World of Tanks leaks Skoda T 40 tier VI premium tank
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The Skoda T-40 was a stage or proposal by Skoda during the development of the TVP medium tank project. The official name was “Combat Vehicle Škoda T 40″. These characteristics were taken from real projects. The T 40 is the first tank of Czechoslovak branch. It will be a tier 6 premium.
- vk/wotleaks (ingame image)
- (text and projects)
- VHA Praha, FL: VTÚ 1947, KL: 15, SL: Čj. 15671 Taj.
- Tabulky SI, ČSN 01 1300, vyd. ÚNM, Praha 1977
Lo Skoda T–40 era uno stadio o una proposta durante lo sviluppo del progetto carro medio TVP. Il nome ufficiale è “Combat Vehicle Škoda T 40″. Queste caratteristiche sono state prese da progetti reali. E’ il primo carro cecoslovacco ad essere introdotto in gioco. Sarà un tier 6 premium.
Engine (motore): 16ADH140 diesel
Engine power (potenza del motore): 700 hp at 2000 RPM
Maximum speed (velocità massima): 6 to 50 km/
Armor – frontal hull (corazza frontale): 65mm
Armor – hull sides (corazza laterale): 40-30mm
Armor – rear (corazza posteriore): 30mm
Armor – bottom (corazza inferiore): 20mm
Armor – hull deck (corazza del pavimento dello scafo): 15mm
Armor – turret front (corazza torretta frontale): 65mm
Armor – turret side (laterale): 40mm
Armor – turret rear (posteriore): 40mm
Armor – turret roof (copertura): 20mm
Armament (armamento principale): 88mm L/56 (or L/57) Vz.36N (captured, Tiger I gun)
Armament – secondary (armamento secondario): 1 x 7,92mm Vz.37 MG
Armament – tertiary (armamento terziario): grenade launcher on the roof (unspecified type) (un lanciagranate)