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Stridsvagn m/42 (Strv m/42) was Swedish medium tank in service in the World War II period. Known by its manufacturer AB Landsverk as Lago II-III-IV, it fielded a 75 mm L/34 gun, the first of its size in a Swedish tank. It entered service with the Swedish army in November 1941. Modern in design it was also well protected and mobile. A total of 282 were produced.
Fonte –
Lo Stridsvagn m/42 (Strv m/42) era un carro armato medio svedese della seconda guerra mondiale. Presso la AB Landsverk era conosciuto come Lago II-III-IV. Il primo carro entrò in servizio nell’Esercito svedese nel novembre 1941. Era un carro moderno, ben protetto ed altamente mobile, il primo mezzo svedese a ricevere un cannone da 75 mm lungo 34 calibri. Fu impiegato e rimase in servizio fino agli anni cinquanta.
Tier: 5 MT
HP: 450
Engine: 410 hp
Mass: 22,491 t
Power-to-weight: 18,23 hp / t
Max speed: 45 / 20 km / h
Hull turning speed: 40 °/s
Turret turning speed: 41,7 °/s
Terrain resistance values: 1,438 / 1,63 / 2,205
View range: 350 m
Radio range: 400 m
Hull armor: 55 / 30 / ? mm
Turret armor: 55 / 30 / ? mm
Gun: 75 mm kan m 43 strv
Alpha Damage: 150 / 150 / 185
Penetration: 115 / 144 / 38 mm
Rate Of Fire: 12,514 rounds/minute
Damage Per Minute: 1877,1
Reload time: 4,795 s
Accuracy: 0,393
Aiming time: 2,4 s
Depression/Elevation: -15 / +25
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