WoT mod Battle Assistant Artillery PoV LEGAL
Fonte – http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/405146-not-prohibited-battle-assistant-artillery-pov-mod/
Good news today! The Battle Assistant Artillery PoV is LEGAL on server US (NA). It means that it is 99% legal on server EU. As I written yesterday, this mod won a recent contest on server RU of WoT. You can DOWNLOAD it from this LINK. This is the reference on forum of NA server:
Buone notizie oggi, la mod Battle Assistant Artillery PoV è giudicata LEGALE e ammessa all’uso, come testimonia un admin post sul forum del server NA (USA) di WoT. Questo significa che al 99% sarà legale anche sul server EU (nel senso che potremmo non averne conferma ufficiale, basta il post sul server USA). Di seguito trovate la citazione del post in questione. Ecco il link diretto al DOWNLOAD della mod.
Hey tankers!
A lot of you are asking about the new Battle Assistant Artillery PoV Mod, and whether this is a prohibited mod or not.
No. This mod is allowed in-game, and is not prohibited.This mod was actually created by a player(s) over in RU, for a recent contest they had. Players were able to design a mod, and this was the favorite mod chosen and voted in.
You can find the original RU article here: http://habrahabr.ru/company/wargaming/blog/243027/