11. Are you happy with the statistics regarding fire damage?
A. Overall, we’re happy with the situation, since damage done to BB’s is mostly inflicted by shells and not fires. Thus, we don’t think the situation regarding fires is terrible. We’ll still examine our data and if we find something unusual, we’ll make some changes such as decreasing fire duration or fire chance.
12. Would you consider making the game mod free?
A. No, since we believe mods are an extension to the game. That’s why we’ve created the game architecture as such as to allow players to easily create mods. The files available to be modded are not critical for the game to run properly. Thus, we have no plans to make the game mod free.
13. Did the radar help counter the torpedo soup (or walls, whatever you prefer)?
A. Hard to say, since there aren’t a lot of radar equipped ships at high tiers yet. However, radar wasn’t meant to be the sole solution to the torpedo soup problem. We still need to solve it from a different standpoint, and that is exactly what we plan to do in the next update, by changing certain elements little by little. You will know next week what we concretely plan to do regarding this matter.
14. When can we expect the next Arpeggio missions?
A. I can’t really tell when they will be released. We have to model the new ships first and since our priority is to release new standard tech-tree ships and we’re currently working on German BB’s, new Arpeggio ships aren’t expected to be available soon.
15. What are you plans regarding personal offers?
A. We’ve already received feedback from the first wave of personal offers and we’re now improving them and testing new offers (which are available to different people) that give a -25% price reduction on various things. It’s hard to say if these offers get a lot of interest, but we’ll see how it goes, and it’s quite likely there will be new offers available at the end of April. For instance, in patch 0.5.5., there will be several important improvements added to this feature and thus we’ll be able to increase the number of players receiving offers.
16. When can we expect Saipan and what will be the requirements?
A. The requirements will be to have fought 20 battles in CV’s, some of which at tier 5. We made the decision not to base the requirements on kills because we wanted the ship to be available even for less experienced players who are learning how to play CV’s. We believe 20 battles are enough to know the basics of CV gameplay. The main limitation will be the cost – 7500 doubloons. The ship will be available through personal offers in mid/late April.
17. Do you plan to buff Mogami’s and Myoko’s 155mm and 203mm guns?
A. Unfortunately I’m not the right person you should ask this question to. It’s not that I don’t want to answer, I simply don’t have the answer.
18. Do you plan to release an event similar to Project R?
A. If we were to do it again, it wouldn’t be in the same form as it was, that is for sure. We would need to change the aspects that didn’t work. It wasn’t a complete success, so, we may do it again but I can’t precisely say when that’d be. First, we still need to fix other aspects of the game. What I can say is that we liked the general concept of the event, with the exception of certain details, but it’s unlikely a similar event will be held in the near future.
19. Do you plan to nerf smoke screens?
A. No. We think this feature is balanced for the time being. It has already considerably been nerfed since beta and it currently doesn’t last too long. Moreover, they are an inherent tool for certain ships tactics. Even if they can be effective in team battles, we do not think they are overpowered.
20. Do you plan to improve Coop mode play and give players taking part in this mode better rewards?
A. We consider Coop mode more or less as a side activity. However, there’s about 30% of players mainly fighting in coop battles. It’s a good way to get familiar with the game and since it’s so popular, we will develop it further. However, we don’t want to rush it, we have several theories on how to improve it we need to test. For now, I can assure you there will be a PvE mode but coop battles aren’t the only aspect of the game we’re currently working on. We will soon focus on developing PvE mode.