WoT 1.4.1 will be uploaded on March 19 for RU server, 20 March for EU/NA
- Level VII tanks can now be painted.
- An additional slot for decals has been added to the VIII level tanks.
- Improved interface.
Fixed bugs on the following maps:
- “Ensk”
- Westfield
- “Fishing Bay”
- “Mountain Pass”
- “Paris”
- “
Sidepark “
New game item: “Blueprints”
Blueprints – a special gaming
- When the blueprint is fully assembled, the research of the corresponding machine does not require any experience.
- Each blueprint consists of some parts. Their number depends on the level of the machine. Each piece increases the discount in the experience of the research of a particular tank.
- If you get a fragment of the drawing for an already researched machine or one for which the drawing is fully assembled, this fragment automatically becomes universal or national.
- To get the fragment of the blueprint you are interested in, you need to collect a certain number of fragments of the national and
universal blueprints . This amount depends on the level of the desired machine.
A new type of reward in battles has been added – crates after battles (at the early stage of testing it was called the “random reward”). It includes various gaming items, as well as fragments of drawings:
- After each
battle there is a chance to get a “crate”. - If you did not receive a “crate” after a battle, the probability of getting it after the next one grows with each battle until you get it. After that, the probability is reset to the initial value.
- Content is given only for battles in the “Random Battle” mode.
- Every fifth
crates received, the next crate will be biggest than four previous ones.
New feature “The appearance of a member of the crew”
The appearance of a crew member is a collection of personal data:
- unique avatar;
- unique first and last name;
- brief information about the character.
The appearance is applied for free to a standard crew member and changes its appearance. At the same time, all attributes, experience, skills and abilities of the selected crew member are saved. Drawing appearance is free.
Changing the history data of crew members is now also free.
New premium tanks
Added a French tank for testing by supertesters:
- M10 RBFM.
Known bugs and fixes
- Improved server object models on maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the history of events to disappear after the destruction of a tank in battle if the option “Show the destroyed tank after death” is inactive.
- Fixed an issue where fatal damage to the tank was not displayed in the event history.
- Fixed an issue that caused the armor penetration indicator to turn green when hovering at an enemy through a destroyed tank.
- Fixed a bug due to which the elements of the appearance are not deducted from the warehouse.
- Clarified the condition for obtaining the achievement “Professional”.
- The reward for the task “Coalition-11” operations Chimera changed to 1 day premium account and 2500 units. free experience for the basic condition and a slot in the hangar for the implementation with honors.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to install pre-combat instructions on the comparison screen technology.
- Fixed a bug due to which the shells hit the severed tower when firing at it.
- Now the shadow of the wheeled tank fits the size of the car.
- Fixed bugs in the available equipment for wheeled vehicles.
- Visual errors of tank models Leopard 1 and Panhard EBR 75 (FL 10) are fixed.
- Added redesigned experience distribution system for upcoming ranked battling seasons.
source – wot ru