Bad (or good) news for you: all single launchers (of WG games) will have no longer support by Wargaming; in the near future Wargaming Game Center will be necessary to launch your preferred game. Sad news for you, i know. By the way, it was only a matter of time. I remember you that General Test and Sandbox are now offered only to install by the WGC.
Anyway, WGC is a good product and it is updated very soon by devs.
source – wotexpress
Cattive (o buone) notizie per te: tutti i singoli launcher (dei giochi WG) non saranno più supportati da Wargaming; nel prossimo futuro il Wargaming Game Center sarà necessario per lanciare il tuo gioco preferito. Triste notizia per voi, lo so. A proposito, era solo questione di tempo. Vi ricordo che General Test e Sandbox sono ora offerti solo per l’installazione da parte del WGC.
Ad ogni modo, WGC è un buon prodotto e viene aggiornato molto presto dagli sviluppatori.
what a disgrace, there are plenty of reasons why players dont like that WGC launcher and i dislike it myself a lot. i always kept my accounts for each region separate and i am not interested in this launcher that have just given grief and problems all the time. wargaming should be not forcing players to use this crap launcher and let players decide which one the prefer means if the want there Region Launcher or the WGC Launcher. And also is to say that the launcher should have never been a priority feature its more important to fix the old bugs that are still exist and which have not been fixed permanent so far.