Today a very interesting vehicle came out on Supertest, the Projet 4-1 (France, MT-9, special)??? (Wait, what?)
It looks cool, and secondly, this is again a special tank. So, most likely, it is the new prize tank for the 2020 Front Line. This is the 7th promotional vehicle of the IX level in WoT.
In 1977, in France, as part of the development of a new tank, various layout solutions were studied, one of which was the so-called “Projet 4”. The project was not made in metal (?), but further work and research led to the creation of the Leclerc main battle tank.
source – wotexpress
Oggi è uscito un veicolo molto interessante su Supertest, il Projet 4-1 (Francia, MT-9, speciale) ??? (Aspetta, cosa?)
Sembra bello, e in secondo luogo, questo è di nuovo un carro speciale. Quindi, molto probabilmente, è il nuovo premio per Front Line 2020. Questo è il 7 ° veicolo promozionale di IX livello in WoT.
Nel 1977, in Francia, nell’ambito dello sviluppo di un nuovo carro, furono studiate varie soluzioni di layout, una delle quali era il cosiddetto “Projet 4”. Il progetto non è stato realizzato in metallo (?), Ma ulteriori lavori e ricerche hanno portato alla creazione del serbatoio di battaglia principale di Leclerc.
Project 4-1 . Initial parameters:
Tier: MT-9, France, special
HP: 1 750
Engine power: 720 HP
Weight: 27.00t
Maximum load: 28.00t
Power per ton: 26.67 HP/t
Maximum speed / Reverse speed: 60 / – 25 km / h
Swing speed: 37.55 ° / s
Turret rotation speed: 33.38 ° / s
Ground resistance: 0.863 / 0.959 / 1.534
View range: 380 m
Signal range: 750 m
Hull armor: 55/40/30
Turret armor: 120/50/30
Gun: 105 mm D. 1504-4-1
Damage 390/390/480
Penetration 264/330/53
Rate of fire: 5.08
Average damage per min: 1 981.2
shells in magazine: 4
Load time between shots: 4.0 s
time full reload: 35.245 s
Dispersion at 100 m: 0.307
Aiming time: 1.92 s
Gun depression / elevation : -7.5 ° / +11 °
The number of shells in the ammunition ammorack: 32 pcs.
Shell speed: 1060 m / s
3-man crew: Commander, Mechanic Driver, Gunner.
Sight Scatter:
- after firing: 4.315;
- during turret rotation: 0.115;
- during vehicle movement: 0.163;
- during vehicle rotation: 0.163;
- during turret rotation at maximum speed: 3.68;
- at the maximum vehicle speed: 9.78;
- at the maximum vehicle rotation speed: 5.87.
Camouflage Value:
- stationary vehicle: 16.13 / 3.37% (for a stationary vehicle / for a stationary vehicle after the shot has been fired);
- moving vehicle: 12.08 / 2.53% (for a moving vehicle / for a moving vehicle after the shot has been fired).