Offers from the American TL-1 LPC, M54 Renegade and Chinese M41D have appeared in the premium store. Vehicles available in three sets. The sales starting today for 6 days.
Offers from TL-1 LPC
Standard set:
- TL-1 LPC
- Garage Slot
- A fully trained crew with the “Brothers in Arms” asset and XP for the full training of the next asset
- 1x Exclusive “Pretty Fly” style
- Unique crew voices
- A unique soundtrack
- Unique medal Awarded to players who purchased the TL-1 LPC premium tank with the 3D style “Pretty Fly”.
Price: 39.08 eu
Complete set:
- TL-1 LPC
- Garage Slot
- A fully trained crew with the “Brothers in Arms” asset and XP for the full training of the next asset
- 1x Exclusive “Pretty Fly” style
- Unique crew voices
- A unique soundtrack
- Unique medal Awarded to players who purchased the TL-1 LPC premium tank with the 3D style “Pretty Fly”
- 6,000
- 15x Mission: 5x XP for the victory
- 30 × Personal reserves: 200% more crew XP for 2 hours .
Price: 59.99 eu
The best set:
- TL-1 LPC
- Garage Slot
- A fully trained crew with the “Brothers in Arms” asset and XP for the full training of the next asset
- 1x Exclusive “Pretty Fly” style
- Unique crew voices
- A unique soundtrack
- Unique medal Awarded to players who purchased the TL-1 LPC premium tank with the 3D style “Pretty Fly”
- 17,000
- 30x Mission: 5x XP for the victory
- 30 × Personal reserves: 300% more XP for the crew for 2 hours
- 1x Vertical stabilizer Mk 1
- 1x Anti-reflective coating
- 1x Mechanism sending medium caliber guns
- 25x Large repair kit
- 25x Large first aid kit
- 25x Automatic fire extinguisher
Price: 99.99
Offers from M54 Renegade.
Standard set:
- M54 Renegade
- Garage Slot
- 100% trained crew.
Price: 36.77 eu
Complete set:
- M54 Renegade
- Garage Slot
- 100% trained crew
- 6,000
- 15x Mission: 5x XP for the victory
- 30 × Personal reserves: 200% more crew XP for 2 hours
Price: 59.99 eu
The best set:
- M54 Renegade
- Garage Slot
- 100% trained crew
- 13,000
- World of Tanks Premium Account: 30 days
- 30x Mission: 5x XP for the victory
- 5 × Personal reserves: 300% more crew XP for 2 hours.
- 1x Vertical stabilizer Mk 2
- 1x Improved ventilation (class 3)
- 1x Mechanism sending large caliber guns
- 25x Large repair kit
- 25x Large first aid kit
- 25x Automatic fire extinguisher
Price: 99.99 eu
Offers from M41D
Standard set:
- M41D
- Garage Slot
- 100% trained crew
- 9 × “Three-shade Formosian” camouflage
Price: 25.07 eu
Complete set:
- M41D
- Garage Slot
- 100% trained crew
- 9 × “Three-shade Formosian” camouflage
- 6,000
- 15x Mission: 5x XP for the victory
- 30 × Personal reserves: 200% more crew XP for 2 hours
Price: 49.99 eu
The best set:
- M41D
- Garage Slot
- 100% trained crew
- 9 × “Three-shade Formosian” camouflage
- 16 500
- World of Tanks Premium Account: 30 days
- 30x Mission: 5x XP for the victory
- 5 × Personal reserves: 300% more crew XP for 2 hours.
- 1x Vertical stabilizer Mk 1
- 1x Anti-reflective coating
- 1x Mechanism sending medium caliber guns
- 25x Large repair kit
- 25x Large first aid kit
- 25x Automatic fire extinguisher
price: 99.99 eu