Test rewards for the General Test.
This morning, for the General Test 1.9.1, a completely new section was suddenly added: “Homefront Supplies” (Warehouse ==> Homefront Supplies).
Homefront Supplies: contains offers available to you, within which you can choose and receive a reward on regular client.
It is clear that this is a test of this feature now. Judging by the description, these are gifts for testing on the General test. At the moment, it is charged (access to the Store is opened) to absolutely everyone who visits the test, the property of the Store is also the same for everyone.
Questa mattina, per il Test generale 1.9.1, è stata improvvisamente aggiunta una sezione completamente nuova: “Forniture per la casa” (Magazzino ==> Forniture per la casa).
Forniture per la casa: contiene le offerte disponibili per te, all’interno delle quali puoi scegliere e ricevere un premio su client regolari.
È chiaro che questo è un test di questa funzionalità ora. A giudicare dalla descrizione, questi sono doni per i test sul test generale. Al momento, viene addebitato (l’accesso allo Store è aperto) a tutti coloro che visitano il test, la proprietà dello Store è uguale per tutti.
You can pick up 4 things from a choice of 12.
Content (on test):
1. AC 4 Experimental (UK, CT-6, prem) for rent for 1 day.
2. Type 64 (China, LT-6, prem) for rent for 1 day.
3. VK 45.03 (Germany, TT-7, prem) for rent for 1 day.
4. SU-122-44 (USSR, PT-7, prem) for rent for 1 day.
5. T26E4 SuperPershing (USA, ST-8, prem) for rent for 1 day.
6. ELC EVEN 90 (France, LT-8, prem) for rent for 1 day.
7. Caernarvon Action X ( UK, TT-8, prem) for rent for 1 day.
8. AMX Canon d’assaut 105 (France, PT-8, prem) for rent for 1 day.
9. Emblem on the tank: “Emblem 2” – 1 pc.
** Customization 2.0 WOT came out as 2.5 years already, and Wargaming still can’t remember in any way that to equip the tank you need to give 6 emblems, not 1, 2 or 5.
10. 10 tasks for x5 experience per battle
11. Universal manual – 2 pcs.
12. Universal fragment of the drawing – 1 pc.