At higher tiers, carriers will carry larger numbers of squadrons at once, but that does not mean that the player will have to be torn apart to keep eye on each unit. Air groups are quite independent: some actions are completely automated, others require players’ control only when it’s necessary, or when the player want to manage squadrons for a specific purpose. For example, a squadron can choose the shortest route to the destination or return to refuel. The player can choose which part the air group he can take part in: simply launch the aircraft and set the target or guide them through the whole route, evading enemy fire, grouping them for striking the highest-priority targets. Of course, in the second case, air operations will be more effective, but in the heat of battle, some actions can be left completely at the mercy of automation. trad ad alti tier le portaerei trasporteranno grandi numeri di squadriglie in una volta sola, ma non significa che il giocatore dovrà stancarsi a tenere d’occhio ciascuna unità. I gruppi aerei sono abbastanza indipendenti: alcune azioni sono totalmente automatizzate, altre richiedono il controllo solo quando necessario o quando il giocatore utilizza gli squadroni per scopi precisi. Per esempio uno squadrone può scegliere la rotta più breve per la destinazione o per il ritorno e il rifornimento. Il giocatore
Carriers in their history have come a long way from helper class to heavy shock ships. They will progress similarly through development as you make your way through the tiers of World of Warships: from sluggish and slow-moving monsters with a single air group at tier I to heavily armored ships with lots of squadrons on board. Moreover, development will not only be quantitative but also qualitative. Planes will also improve and develop: from biplane to well-armed fighting units, dive bombers and torpedo planes, and of course AA guns will be developing with them.
The violent clash of antiaircraft guns and attacking squadrons calls to mind a deadly dance and even resembles a separate game within the game. For example, to ease the work for aircraft, allied ships can use explosive shells to destroy part of the air defense systems of the selected target. The player’s task will be to bring the attacking group to the target from the right side.
The enemy, in turn, may try to take a defensive position with his damaged side against the shore and thereby prevent the launch of torpedoes from planes; by maneuvering actively, he might hide from the range of AA guns of enemy ships, or ask for help from a friendly aircraft carrier.
The outcome of the aerial battle affects the overall outcome, and the main task for the player is to learn to turn these conflicts to his advantage.