Continuing about Crew 2.0 (many more). Together with the new progression of the crew and obtaining the levels of specialists, new commander ranks will be added to the game. Of course, they are only decorative.
Below are the names of all the new ranks, as well as icons of “Lieutenant Generals” of 10 nations except Italy.
At the moment, the maximum rank “Major” is for the commander and the rank is lower for the rest of the crew.
Now they will add:
– For the nation of the USSR.
“Lieutenant Colonel” – Upon receiving a “Class II Specialist”.
“Colonel” – Upon receiving a “Specialist of the 1st class”.
“Major General” – Upon receipt of the “Master Specialist”
“Lieutenant General” – Upon receipt of the “High Class Specialist”
Thus, the full line of crew ranks on the example of the USSR will look like this:
“Private” – The rank of the new crew
“Corporal” – Upon receipt of the 1st level of the crew
“Junior Sergeant” – Upon receipt of the 10th level of the crew of the
“Sergeant” – Upon receipt of the 15th level of the crew of the
“Chief Sergeant” – Upon receipt of the 30th level of the crew of the
“Chief Sergeant” – Upon receipt of the 45th level of the crew of the
“Junior Lieutenant” 60 crew level
“Lieutenant” – Upon receipt of the “Specialist VI class”.
“Senior Lieutenant” – Upon receipt of the “V Class Specialist”.
“Captain” – upon receiving the “IV class Specialist”.
“Major” – Upon receipt of the “Specialist III class”.
[NEW] “Lieutenant Colonel” – Upon receiving a “Specialist of the II class”.
[NEW] “Colonel” – Upon receipt of the “Specialist Class I”.
[NEW] “Major General” – Upon receipt of a “Master Specialist”
[NEW] “Lieutenant General” – Upon receipt of a “High Class Specialist”
– For the nation of Germany.
“Oberstleutnant” – Upon receiving a “Class II Specialist”.
“Oberst” – upon receiving the “1st class Specialist”.
“Generalmajor” – When you receive a “Master Specialist”
“Generalleutnant” – When you receive a “High-class Specialist”
– For the US nation .
“Lieutenant Colonel” – Upon receiving the “Specialist of the II class”.
“Colonel” – upon receiving the “1st class Specialist”.
Brigadier General – Upon receiving a Master Specialist
Major General – Upon receiving a High Class Specialist
– For the nation of France.
“Lieutenant Colonel” – Upon receiving the “Specialist of the II class”.
“Colonel” – upon receiving the “1st class Specialist”.
“Général de brigade” – Upon receipt of the “Master Specialist”
“Général de division” – Upon receipt of the “High-class Specialist”
– For the nation of Great Britain.
“Lieutenant-colonel” – Upon receiving a “Specialist of the II class”.
“Colonel” – upon receiving the “1st class Specialist”.
“Lieutenant-general” – Upon receiving the “Master Specialist”
“Brigadier” – When receiving the “Specialist of the highest class”
– For the nation of Czechoslovakia.
“Podplukovník” – Upon receiving the “Specialist of the II class”.
“Colonel” – upon receiving the “1st class Specialist”.
“Brigádní generál” – Upon receiving a “Master Specialist”
“Divizní generál” – Upon receiving a “High-class Specialist”
– For the nation of China.
Zhong Xiao – Upon receiving a Class II Specialist.
Shang Xiao – Upon receiving a Class I Specialist.
“Shao Jiang” – Upon receiving the “Master Specialist”
Zhong Jiang – Upon receiving the “High-class Specialist”
– For the nation of Japan.
“Chu-sa” – Upon receiving a “Class II Specialist”.
“Tai-sa” – Upon receiving the “1st class Specialist”.
“Sho-sho” – Upon receiving the “Master Specialist”
“Chu-jo” – When receiving the “High Class Specialist”
– For the nation of Poland.
“Podpułkownik” – Upon receiving a “Specialist of the II class”.
“Pułkownik” – upon receiving the “1st class Specialist”.
“Generał brygady” – Upon receiving the “Master Specialist”
“Generał dywizji” – Upon receiving the “High-class Specialist”
– For the nation of Sweden.
“Överstelöjtnant” – Upon receipt of the “Specialist of the II class”.
“Överste” – upon receiving the “1st class Specialist”.
“Generalmajor” – Upon receiving the “Master Specialist”
“Generallöjtnant” – Upon receiving the “High Class Specialist”
– For the nation of Italy.
“Tenente Colonnello” – Upon receipt of the “Specialist Class II”.
“Colonnello” – Upon receiving a “Class I Specialist”.
“Colonnello Comandante” – Upon receiving the “Master Specialist”
“Generale di brigata” – Upon receiving the “High-class Specialist”
Source – wotexpress