How Unity URP Boosts the Graphics and Performance of the Game
In this November Development Status, developers want to share with their audience some exciting news about their game. They have been working hard to improve the graphics and performance of their game by switching to a new rendering system: Unity URP.
Why Developers Chose Unity URP
Until now, devs have been using an older rendering method called built-in when developing their game on the Unity engine. However, they have always wanted to take advantage of the newer and better solutions that Unity offers. That’s why they decided to move their project from built-in to URP.
URP stands for Universal Render Pipelin: it’s a prebuilt Scriptable Render Pipeline made by Unity. URP allows them to create optimized graphics for various platforms: mobile devices, high-end consoles and PCs. It also gives them more artistic control and flexibility over the look and feel of their game.
What Devs Achieved with Unity URP
Devs are happy to report that the switch to URP has brought significant improvements to their game. Not only does their game look more stunning and realistic, but it also runs faster and smoother. They hope that this move will ensure that their game takes advantage of the latest solutions that Unity offers, while also enhancing the visual aspects and gameplay experience.
What’s Next for the game
The first thing devs want to do is to finish the move to URP. Then they will try to organise playtests using the tools on Steam around December/beginning of the year as soon as they have sorted out and improved the performance and stability issues.
The demo version, which is still playable, will probably also receive an update.
Devs have a feature in development with the possibility of driving a tank in several players as one crew. More about this in the next dev statuses. There is a lot in the works for environment. Vegetation will be completely overhauled, and it will be more realistic. This change hopefully will get rid of weird dark spots within trees and bushes, as you can see on screen above.
AI attack behaviour
Devs are also pushing what the infantry AI does while attacking. Previously they either rushed into the waypoint of attack careless of a shootout or dropped to the ground immediately when they got in contact with any enemy.
Right now developers want the AI that attacks to be more aggressive, use leap-frogging/bounding overwatch (simplified for now) to:
- Keep the pace of the advance tied to being suppressed or not, having valid target or not, the enemy that is defending is currently suppressed or not
- Move the attacking squad in parts, one part of the squad is static and provides covering fire (with exception of heavy weapons soldiers), other part rushes forward. Every few seconds the roles switch – first group rushes, second covers
- AI commanders will use smoke grenades to cover the attack while suppressed or when preparing to launch final assault (close enough to the attack pivot/target)
PzKpfw T-70 743(r)
Another vehicle, this time the T-70 light tank that devs had the pleasure to have a look at some time ago. It, too, has captured version that will be used in the campaign.
source – steam