How Did You Perform in the Tankman’s Battle Path 2023? Find Out Now!
Are you curious about how well you did in the Tankman’s Battle Path 2023? Do you want to see your personal results of the year and compare them with other players? If so, you are in luck, because the Tankman’s Battle Path 2023 is now open for viewing.
You can access it here:
The Tankman’s Battle Path 2023 is a feature that allows you to view your achievements and statistics in World of Tanks over the past year. You can see how many battles you fought, which nation you preferred, which battles were your best, and much more. You can also share your results with your friends and clanmates, and show off your skills and accomplishments.
The Tankman’s Battle Path 2023 shows mostly standard parameters, but some of them are quite interesting and unique. For instance, you can see your fastest victory, your record winning streak, your game style, your lucky card, and your sworn enemy. You can also see which vehicles you researched and played the most, which ones you destroyed the most, and which ones gave you the most trouble. You can even see how far you traveled in your tanks, and how many enemies you destroyed by arson or ramming.
Here is the full list of parameters that you can view in the Tankman’s Battle Path 2023:
- Total battles fought
- Your favorite nation
- 3 best battles
- Fastest victory
- Record winning streak
- Game style
- Medals earned
- Your lucky card
- Favorite researched vehicle
- Favorite premium vehicle
- Average experience
- Average damage
- Hits
- Vehicles discovered
- Most frequently destroyed vehicles
- Total vehicles destroyed
- Destroyed by arson
- Destroyed by ramming
- Your sworn enemy
- Best battles by type
- Distance traveled

The Tankman’s Battle Path 2023 is a great way to review your performance and progress in World of Tanks in 2023. It can also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and set new goals and challenges for yourself in 2024. However, there is one thing that you should know before you check your results: there are no rewards or prizes for participating in the Tankman’s Battle Path 2023. This feature is purely for fun and entertainment, and does not affect your gameplay or account in any way. So, don’t be disappointed if you don’t get anything for your efforts, and just enjoy the journey.
The Tankman’s Battle Path 2023 is available for all accounts that fought more than 20 battles in 2023. If you meet this requirement, you can view your results anytime until the end of January 2024. After that, the feature will be closed, and you will have to wait for the next year’s edition. So, don’t miss this opportunity, and check your results now!