Mitsu 108: A New Branch in WoT PC 1.23.1
Mitsu 108 is a regular Japanese heavy tank of Tier 5 that introduces a new branch in WoT PC 1.23.1. You can access this branch from the Tier 4 medium tank Type 1 Chi-He.
The Mitsu 108 project dates back to the 1930s, when Japan planned to build heavy breakthrough tanks with multiple turrets and light ballistic armor. However, the vehicle was too large and had to use screens to cover some of the chassis parts. The program reached its final stage in 1942, but by then the tank was outdated and unwanted.

Type 3 Ju-Nu: A Heavy Breakthrough Tank from WoT PC 1.23.1
Type 3 Ju-Nu is a regular Japanese heavy tank of Tier 6 that belongs to the same branch as Mitsu 108. It is based on a project that emerged in 1942, when Japan started to collaborate more closely with Germany in the field of tank building. Japan wanted to improve its housing welding technologies, optical instruments, and other areas where it was behind.
The Type 3 project aimed to create a heavy breakthrough tank that looked like a bigger version of a medium tank, with stronger armor and weapons. It did not have any auxiliary machine gun turrets. The design included cast towers, a Hara-type suspension with a staggered layout of road wheels, and a liquid-cooled aircraft engine. However, the development never went beyond the sketch stage.

Type 4 Ju-To: A Japanese Heavy Tank Project from WoT PC 1.23.1
Type 4 Ju-To is a regular Japanese heavy tank of Tier 7 that continues the branch of Mitsu 108 and Type 3 Ju-Nu. It is inspired by a Japanese heavy tank project that used German technical documentation and experience. The project faced increasing demands for armor protection and weapons, which led to its termination at the sketch stage.

source – wotexpress eu