Fonte – – added the Firefly line (it’s incomplete in the patchnotes, some vehicles still missing from the supertest) – added several vehicles for supertesters (AMX CdC, AMX-13/57, STA-2, ISU-130) – fixed some visual issues with the models of Maus, Fury, Jagdpanther, KV-1S – fixed the armor bugs in following models: Hetzer, SU-14, WT Pz.IV…
Category: Home
WoT leaks 9.5 new maps videos
WoT leaks 9.5 new maps videos
Wot leaks 9.5 the Pit map hd images
Fonte – E’ il turno della mappa The Pit, la fossa. Mappa per i livelli 1-3 (4?). Molto ma molto carina, forse tra le più interessanti prodotte. [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks news 26 11 2014
Fonte – – (tied to another discussion, specifically about hull weapons and tanks aiming by turning) according to SerB, the hull 75mm howitzer of the Char B1 was useless, that’s why Germans removed these guns when they captured the vehicles – according to SerB, removing the render range limit would not cause more camping –…
WoT 9.5 leaks Achilles images HD
Fonte – VK/wotleaks Poteva mancare l’Achilles, il Jackson britannico con cannone 17pdr? Eccolo, interessante! [Show slideshow]
WoT 9.5 leaks FV4004 Conway
Fonte – vk/wotleaks Terza anteprima, immagini HD dell’FV4004 Conway, awesome!!! [Show slideshow]
WoT leaks 9.5 Charioteer hd images
fonte – vk/wotleaks Continuiamo con le immagini in HD, ecco quelle del Charioteer, cacciacarri tier VIII britannico. [Show slideshow]
WoT leaks 9.5 FV4005 hd images
Fonte vk/wotleaks Finalmente 4 immagini in hd per l’FV4005, bellissimo! [Show slideshow]
WoT 9.5 leaks individual missions news pt5
Fonte – Using individual missions, you will be able to get 4 vehicles in this order: StuG IV, T28 Concept, T55A, Object 260 (it’s not possible to skip straight to Object 260). As announced earlier, missions are split into 5 branches for each class, 15 missions each. You have to complete 4 out of 5…
WoT 9.5 leaks british tank destroyer Achilles
Fonte – Un Jackson modificato per utilizzare un 17pdr britannico. Tier 6 TD prezzo: 0,88 mil credits punti vita: 640 Motore: 500 hp Peso: 28,287 tons Rapporto peso/potenza: 17,68 hp/t Velocità massima: 48/11 km/h rotazione scafo: 30 deg/s resistenza al terreno: 1,055/1,247/2,205 rotazione torretta: 16,7 deg/s Raggio visivo: 370 Portata radio: 573,6 [Show slideshow] corazza…