Fonte – – aimtime in the game represents “the comfort, with which the gun was aimed”, this parameter “quite adequately” represents reality – Q: “Gun stabilization parameter confuses people!” (SS: gun stabilization in this case is a general term for a set of parameters, that determine how much the aim circle will get bigger when…
Category: Home
WoT RU server hotfix
Domani sarà il momento di una seconda patch, la (se continuano così…ndt), con le seguenti correzioni, ma solo per il server RU per adesso. – fixed the M53/M55 collision model – fixed the incorrect display of regular XP recieved in the post-battle debriefing window (SS: that’s the “got wrong XP” bug) – returned the…
WoT december and january Christmas missions
WoT december and january Christmas missions Fonte – 1.12.2014-1.1.2015: Monthly Missions (missione del mese) – win 3 battles while driving a tier 5+ tank once per day (must be in top 10 in XP), get 75k credits – complete the mission above 15 times, get 700 gold vinci 3 battaglie mentre guidi un tier 5+…
WoT december mission tank T-34-85M
Fonte – Mission starts: 24.12.2014 Mission ends: 15.1.2015 inizio 24 12 2014 fine 15 1 2015 Condition: grind 50k XP for each nation (350k XP total, premium XP and doubles count AFAIK), using a tier 6+ tank Reward: T-34-85M tier 6 premium Soviet medium tank. condizioni: ottieni 50000xp per ciascuna nazione, xp premium e…
World of Tanks news 18 11 2014
Fonte – – Q: “WTF devs I live in Volgograd (Stalingrad) why did you not put the house I live in on the map and deleted it to make room for one of the bases?” A (SerB): *sobbing* – Q: “Developers, currently I am grinding with T-34-3 and I am doing a lot of damage…
WoT Panther 8.8 action video
Ancora un video d’azione, questa volta del tier 8 premium tedesco, il Panther con l’88mm
WoT leak M56 Scorpion
Fonte – Mancava un video per l’M56 Scorpion, che a quanto pare verrà venduto come premium tier 7 o 8 e non sarà un carro ricompensa.
WoT eu micropatch today unsolved bug
Fonte – Come mi aspettavo la patch 9.4.1 non ha risolto uno dei bug più odiosi di woT:
WoT Strongholds mode web interface
Fonte – La WG sta implementando o cmq lavorando alla tanto promessa e ancora non realizzata interfaccia web per la modalità fortezze, ecco una prima immagine pubblicata sul forum ASIA:
WoT news Serb against players
Fonte – SerB on player proposals: “Everything you can propose to us was already considered a long time ago and either it was scrapped (99,9 percent) or is in the queue, waiting to be implemented (0,1 percent). And so with the game growing grows mainly the amount of old stuff and crap, sorry. ‘The…