Fonte – La pacth dovrebbe essere rilasciata domani (cioè oggi, 14 11 2014) – fixed the bug where you can see two Tiger I’s in the crew tank retraining menu – fixed the bug where the minimap markers are locked (stuck) whenever the vehicle marked is further than 500 meters from you – fixed the…
Category: Home
World of Tanks news 13 11 2014
Fonte – – there will be a micropatch soon (between 9.4 and 9.5), fixing some of the worst issues, specifically the enemy seeing your chat channel during special battles (CW), the lagging (freezing) minimap markers, the jumping serverside aim circle and the damage from slightly touching the allies (altogether 10-15 bugs will be fixed)…
WoT Stalingrad map
Bellissimo video storico (in inglese) che mostra come è stata creata la mappa Stalingrado. Vi piaccia o meno, la ricostruzione storica ha preso molto tempo. Buona visione
World of Warplanes 1st anniversary gift XP-31
From today 1st birthday of WoWp begins with a e-party. Bonus and a free premium tier 2 plane for all, the USA XP-31. Come da titolo da oggi inizia il primo compleanno di WoWp. Ci saranno bonus e un aereo gratuito per tutti, l’XP-31, tier 2 USA premium.
World of Tanks news 12 11 2014
Fonte – – Historical battles will not come in 9.5 – TD’s currently form less than 30 percent of the vehicles in WoT – developers are apparently considering returning the Confrontation mode (“national battles”) – the temporary solution is to hardcap vehicles to maximum of 3 vehicles of the same type (SS: as in, three…
WoT 3rd campaign Q&A
Fonte – – apparently the third campaign will take about a month, on 25.12. the results should be already known – in the campaign, you can choose one of three rewards: VK7201, M60 or Object 907 (when the campaign ends, the winners will get a link to a page, where they can get one…
WoT leaks viewrange nerf
Fonte – Purtroppo ecco i primi nerf al raggio visivo, come annunciato, la lista è provvisoria, tra parentesi i valori prima del nerf. IS-8: 370 (400) WT Pz4: 320 (410) Т-54: 370 (390) Т-44: 360 (380) ISU-152: 310 (370) IS-3: 360 (350) (a buff, odd) Rhm.-Borsig: 310 (400) Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P): 360 (380) Jagdpanther:…
World of Gift Tanks
Fonte – Un impiegato della sezione EU di WoT (Count_Fall) svela alcune interessanti notizie: – the New Year gift tank will be the Panzer II Ausf.D, as expected – apparently, there might be Christmas/New Year missions, allowing players to get two tanks: the Grosstraktor and T-34-85M. Now we know what WG plans with them 🙂…
World of Tanks news 11 11 2014
Fonte – – developers are experimenting with Stronghold mode “bunkers”, created in some sort of building (their strength depends on the level of the building, the bunkers are being tested on Malinovka) – these bunkers and other SH consumables will be deployed by clan commander via a “tactical tablet” – current version of premium account/tank…
World of Warships ask to Mikhail Fyodorov
Fonte – Mikhail Fyodorov è uno dei produttori di WoWs, in una recente intervista ecco cosa ha detto: – tier 1 of the Russian branch will be cruiser Aurora – there will be a hardcap on aircraft carriers (no more than two on each side) – the MM will not be symetrical (one side…