Fonte – vk/wotleaks Novità sulla mappa in Crimea, basata su un quartiere di Simferopoli. Che dire, la WG sfida anche l’attuale contesto politico/militare. Bisogna poi considerare le lamentele di Storm legate alla presenza di molte, troppe mappe in gioco e della necessità diu rimuoverne qualcuna. Forse hanno intenzione di togliere le mappe di fantasia e…
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WoT Great European Random ep15
Settimana di intensi video maker a quanto pare. Ecco le GER ep15. Chi dire, al solito, buona visione 🙂
World of Tanks 10 11 2014
Fonte – – new motion physics will definitely not come this year – Q: “When will the M53/M55 armor bug be fixed? 0.9.8?” A (Storm): “1.0.0″ (SS: yes, that’s trolling) – Storm likes the Staligrad map – apparently, there is also a bug, where the reload timer is not working correctly (either with or without…
WoT Best Replays of the Week: International Ep.2
I replay ufficiali della WG, buona visione!
WoT third clan wars campaign trailer
Come dice il titolo, ecco il bel trailer sulla terza campagna CW. Tutti pronti?
World of Tanks 09 11 2014 pt2
– 9.5 will come out this year – Storm does now (not?) know, when (or whether) the number of players in clan will be increased – no comment on supertest leaks (AMX-13/57) – AMX-30 and its “branch” will not come in 9.6, but later (when it’s done it’s done) – Storm states that his earlier…
World of Tanks 09 11 2014 pt1
Fonte – – Storm confirms that the theory that low hp tanks bounce more shots is crap – a player was complaining that (unlike earlier), now the position of mouse cursor, when pressing Escape in battle, isn’t as it was earlier (on the “leave battle” button) and he has to scroll the mouse to get…
World of Tanks Blitz emulation Android on Bluestack and AndyRoid
Facciamo il punto della situazione riguardo alla possibilità di far girare WoT Blitz sul PC di casa tramite emulatore. Premetto che, a meno di avere portatili di un certo livello, è bene provare questa strada SOLO sui fissi e che siano desktop aggiornati. Come funziona l’emulazione? E’ possibile far girare Android su PC attraverso 4…
World of Warships a look from inside pt3
Fonte – attleships carry some of the most powerful artillery of all-time and one successful hit from these guns can send an enemy ship to the depths. To survive such fire, you must have decent protection. Ship armor is one of the most important factors that a player must take into account when planning in-game…
World of Warships a look from inside pt2
Fonte – The structure of a ship is much more complicated than that of a tank or an aircraft and therefore it influence gameplay in stronger ways. In order to simplify this, the hull is divided into three main parts in World of Warships:Bow/Nose la struttura della nave è più complicata di un carro o…