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Wargaming Fury cast interview pt2
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Wargaming Fury cast interview pt1
Parte 1 Parte 2 Parte 3 Prima parte di una intervista al cast di Fury, si tratta degli attori coprotagonisti. Buona visione:
World of Tanks news 01 11 2014
Fonte – – Q: “Are you aware of the number of players reporting “no damage” penetrations?” A (SerB): “We are aware four years already that a part of the players consists of whiners, posting permanently all kinds of crap in this forum topic.” – while you don’t get damaged from collisions with objects, you…
WoT leaks FV4202 tier 8 british premium tank
Fonte – vk/wotleaks Finalmente alcune immagini del modello FV4202 premium tier 8 [Show slideshow]
War Thunder Ground Forces vs World of Tanks
Con l’avvento della patch 1.43 in War Thunder e la prossima introduzione dell’albero americano nelle forze terrestri, forse è giunto il momento di tirare le somme sui due giochi. Ecco i 5 motivi per NON giocare a War Thunder in generale e a Ground Forces nello specifico: si ricomincia con i tier I (di nuovo…
World of Tanks Blitz news 01 11 2014 pt2
Fonte – – British branch will come until the end of this year, but it most likely will not be a full branch – there will be a CW mode, but not in the same way as the PC version has (no details) – there are more gold ammo users (larger share) in Blitz than…
World of Tanks Blitz news 01 11 2014 pt1
Fonte – – the recent tests went really fine, resulting in significant FPS increase – Android version is ready to be taken to next stage of testing, release is planned until the end of the year – iOS version will have better graphics – minimum version of Android to run Blitz will be version 4.+…
WoT leaks Crimean map
Fonte – A quanto pare i devs stanno lavorando ad una seconda mappa ambientata in Crimea, nome in codice “Simferopoli”. Sarà una mappa ad ambientazione mediterranea. Ciò che è contestabile è la scelta del territorio. La Crimea? A presto nuove notizie.
World of Tanks news 31 10 2014
Fonte – – apparently, Lowe armor is fine (won’t be buffed) – by the end of third campaign, M60, VK7201 and Object 907 will not be ready in HD – the HD model for IS-3 will be IS-3 Model 1945, not the modernized version (IS-3M) – developers are working on new engine sounds – after…