Episodio 4 di WG Nuts and bolts of tanks. Si parla dei cannoni con interessanti curiosità. In russo con sottotitoli in inglese.
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World of Warships USS Yorktown video
Altro magnifico video, una sorta di piccolo documentario sulla portaerei Yorktown!
World of Tanks news 28 10 2014
– in 9.5, Sherman Firefly will be researchable from Sherman III and Sherman III from Grant (SS: the connection between new/old branches will be Valentine to Archer) – it’s possible Churchill Gun Carrier will lose the 32pdr gun and will drop to tier 5 – in 9.5, Challenger and Avenger will be mixed into one…
WoT leaks FV4202 tier 8 premium medium tank statistics
Fonte – WoT FtR and VK/WoTleaks Le statistiche si basano sul 100% dell’equipaggio. Si tratta della configurazione preliminare, passibile di molti cambiamenti. Il carro utilizzato è l’originale in Low Def. Tier 8 MT Prezzo: 11750G (placeholder) Punti vita: 1400 Peso: 41,594 tons Velocità massima: 35/20 Corazza scafo: 51/51/32 Corazza torretta: 170/90/90 velocità rotazione scafo: 42…
Wargaming and german E-25 destiny
Fonte -http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/10/29/e-25-to-be-possibly-removed-from-shop/ Il titolo non è affatto strano. A quanto pare i devs stanno pensando a cosa fare dell’E-25, nel senso stanno realmente pensando di agire sotto una qualsiasi forma che evidentemente ne possa limitare l’esistenza in gioco. Non potendo depotenziare facilmente in carro premium, si pensa, da fonti ufficiose, che possa essere ritirato dalla…
World of Tanks news 28 10 2014 pt3
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/10/28/28-10-2014/ – for now, no data are available yet on the statistics the developers collected on gold shells – tournament tanks (tier 7-8) will not have priority for HD rework – for now, there is no info whether new sounds will appear (again) in 9.5 – apparently, the option of displaying the statistics of…
World of Tanks news 28 10 2014 pt2
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/10/28/28-10-2014/ – Storm states that if you want to use the 0.9.4 gun sounds, it’s no problem to use them downloaded, because the sound engine did not change – Storm doesn’t consider the “intro video” to be a problem that should have an option to disable it, as you can simply press escape to…
World of Tanks news 28 10 2014 pt1
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/10/28/28-10-2014/ – according to Storm, the statement that limited MM is one of the premium vehicle characteristics is incorrect, as large part of the premium vehicles have normal MM – Storm states that nerfing limited MM to regular MM happened only once for a premium tank – with Type 59. The tendency for…
WoT 9.5 second british tank destroyer line
Tier Vehicle Alternative 2 M2A4 3 Stuart 4 Grant 5 Sherman III Archer 6 Firefly IC Achilles 7 Challenger 8 Charioteer 9 FV4004 Conway 10 FV4005 Stage 2 Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/10/28/about-the-9-5-branch/ Sarà breve: fino al tier IV si tratta di carri americani con alcune migliorie (in genere…
WoT 9.4 test 3 changes
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/10/28/about-the-9-5-branch/ – Soviet 122mm HE shell damage got buffed from 465 to 530 (concers pretty much all 122mm D-25 clones, but not the KV-1S 122mm howitzer for example). It concerns the following vehicles (and the D-25/D-2-5/A-19/other 122mm mounted on them): SU-100, SU-122-44, SU-152, SU-101, ISU-152, SU-122-54, KV-85, IS, KV-3, IS-3, IS-6, KV-4, ST-I, IS-8,…