Fonte – vk wotleaks e wot ftr Novità per il T55a DDR. Il carro differiva dal T55 russo per l’assenza della mitragliatrice e una migliore protezione contro le armi di distruzione di massa. Tier: 9 carro medio ricompensa punti vita: 1700 peso: 37,5 tons potenza del motore: 580 hp Rapporto peso potenza: 15,47 hp/t velocità massima:…
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WoT leaks T55A NVA DDR tier 9 premium
Fonte – Ecco il primo leak sui carri premium precedentemente citati, si tratta del T55A NVA DDR in forza alla Repubblica Democratica Tedesca. Le due immagini evidenziano il carro e le caratteristiche. Siamo in attesa di traduzione dal russo. Non si capisce se il carro andrà nell’albero tedesco o russo. Suona inoltre strano come…
WoT leaks the future of premium tanks
Fonte – – Object 260 tier 10 Soviet heavy tank (scheduled as a clanwars reward, basically an IS-7 variant with different turret) – T28 Concept (based on the wooden mockup as a tier 7 US TD – East-German T-55A medium tank (because, you know, there are not enough T-54 clones in the game) tier…
Wargaming Igromir gamescom video
Ed ecco un video direttamente dal gamescom di Igromir, in Russia. Ovviamente il video è in russo, ma val la pena osservare lo sstand faraonico della WG, veramente gigantesco!
World of Tanks news 03 10 2014
Fonte – – there will be a new, unanounced mode, that will be the equivalent of “garage battles” – free FV4202? Apparently, Evilly hinted at some sort of mission to get it – individual missions (that SerB mentioned a year and a half ago) will appear soon – it’s possible that the idea to stun…
WoT leaks T95E2 medium usa premium tank
Fonte – e wot ftr rican prototype medium tank developed from 1955 to 1959. These tanks used many advanced or unusual features, such as siliceous-cored armor, a new transmission, and the OPTAC fire-control system. The OPTAC incorporated an electro-optical rangefinder and was mounted on the right side of the turret, and was used in…
Chiedilo a Evilly | Ask to Evilly Igromir game show 03 10 2014
Fonte – – there will be a global HE shell rebalance, the developers will also collect HESH statistics (for rework). Murazor (SS: known WG videomaker) proposed that the HE round would “temporarily kill” (stun) the entire crew for 3-5 seconds, the developers liked the idea – garage battle mode was finally scrapped, but the feature…
World of Tanks news 02 10 2014
Fonte – …Wargaming EU is recruiting stronk clans for Stronkhold testing. Various community managers are contacting leaderships of “active and well-estabilished” clans, offering them 20 thousand gold to clan treasury to participate in public testing of Stronghold – the clan task would be to provide extensive feedback and to provide replays and screenshots from…
WoT leaks russian tank premium T-34-85M
Fonte – Torniamo a parlare del carro russo premium tier 6: il T-34-85M. Bene è notizia dell’ultima ora che tale carro non verrà più introdotto regolarmente ma diverrà il solito carro ricompensa per eventi (Clan War e altro). Non ne sentiremo la mancanza, vero?
WoT Chaffee Race great RNG
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