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WoT 9.2 leaks new hd tanks
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/03/straight-outta-supertest-hd-models-in-9-2/ Nuovi carri in hd in arrivo e nuove immagini per documentarli, in ordine: Churchill I, StuG III G, IS, SU100. [Show slideshow]
WOT 9.2 maps leaks Prokhorovka Cliff and Hidden Village
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/ Anche Prokhorovka, Cliff e Hidden Village hanno ricevuto sostanziali modifiche. Ecco quali parti sono state modificate: [Show slideshow]
WOT 9.2 maps leaks Sacred Valley
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/03/straight-outta-supertest-9-2-prokhorovka-and-sacred-valley/ Sacred Valley tornerà nella 9.2 di WoT? Parrebbe di si, con i cambiamenti che vedete nelle immagini: [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks News 02 07 2014
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/02/2-6-2014-2/ – Storm confirms: in 9.2 supertest patchnotes, there was a mistake, specifically in the part that says that HD model will display only on player’s tank – in fact, HD models will display on all HD tanks, but the textures will be at 50 percent quality on other tanks. Trad. Storm conferma l’incomprensione…
A grande richiesta recuperiamo i 2 episodi precedenti di WHY SO SERIOUS RNG, ecco il numero 1!
WoT 9.2 Supertest patchnotes p3
Fonte –http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/01/0-9-2-supertest-patchnotes/ – added “Stronkhold” clan mode trad. aggiunta la modalità clan/fortezze – reworked following maps: Sacred Valley, Cliff, Sand River, Hidden Village, Erlenberg, El-Halluf, Airport, Komarin. trad. rilavorate le seguenti mappe: Sacred Valley, Cliff, Sand River, Hidden Village, Erlenberg, El-Halluf, Airport, Komarin. – added new reworked Prokhorovka map. trad. aggiunta la mappa rilavorata di Prokhorovka –…
WoT 9.2 Supertest patchnotes p2
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/01/0-9-2-supertest-patchnotes/ Japanese tank changes – repair costs of Type 97 Te-Ke reduced by 5 percent. trad. i costi di riparazione del Te-Ke sono stati abbassati del 5% British tank changes – 183mm HESH penetration (FV215b 183) nerfed from 275mm to 230mm. trad. 183mm penetrazione degli Hesh (FV215b 183) depotenziati da 275mm a 230mm –…
WoT 9.2 Supertest patchnotes p1
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/01/0-9-2-supertest-patchnotes/ French tank changes – AMX50B: gun aim time buffed from 3s to 2,5s. trad. tempo mira potenziato da 3s a 2,5s German tank changes Aufklärungspanzer Panther – reload time of 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 for turret VK 28.01 Ausf. C buffed from 4s to 3,4s. tempo di ricarica per il Waffe 0725 e…
World of Tanks news addendum part 4 Bots
Bots It takes 25 bot reports per day (within 24 hours) to make support staff check someone for botting. The response time of a mod however can be up to a week. Daily, WG RU recieves 17500 bot reports via “player is a bot” report function within the game, less than 3 percent of those…