World of Warships Japanese Cruisers tech trees ENG Source – The Japanese cruisers tree starts at Tier II. II Chikuma Chikuma is the first Japanese cruiser equipped with a steam-turbine plant and an armour belt. She is the only cruiser in the tree that does not carry torpedo tubes. This is in part compensated by her remarkable…
Category: World of Warships
World of Warships Naval legends USS Alabama preview
World of Warships Naval legends USS Alabama preview Source – Finally a preview of the new episode of Naval Legends, starrinf USS Alabama. The full episode will be on air in 19.02 2015. Enjoy! Nuovo episodio della serie Naval Legends, questa volta sarà protagonista la USS Alabama. Si tratta del trailer, l’episodio per intero andrà…
World of Warships Japanese cruisers tech tree
World of Warships Japanese cruisers tech tree Source – Warning, this post is only in italian language, the english one will come soon. I Costruttori giapponesi erano di vedute piuttosto originali per quanto riguarda la classe incrociatori. A differenza degli USA, quasi ogni nave, oltre a pezzi di artiglieria, era dotata di tubi lanciasiluri. Anche…
World of Warships 2nd beta weekend another gameplay video
World of Warships 2nd beta weekend another gameplay video Enjoy! 🙂
World of Warships aircarrier gameplay
World of Warships aircarrier gameplay Another awesome video shows the aircarrier gameplay. With aircarriers World of Warplanes turns in an online RTS. The job of devs has been great. Un’altro video mostra il gameplay delle portaerei in WoWs. Con queste navi il gioco diventa uno strategico che cambia totalmente l’idea che fino ad ora ci si…
World of Warships 2nd beta weekend official gameplay video
World of Warships 2nd beta weekend official gameplay video Wargaming made a short video about gameplay of 2nd beta weekend. Enjoy! E anche la Wargaming, oltre a Jingles, ha creato un breve video che mostra il gameplay della seconda beta WE. Anche questo merita, molto cinematografico pur col motore del gioco
World of Warships second beta weekend review
World of Warships second beta weekend review The second beta weekend of World of Warships ended few days ago. What do i think about the game? It’s an alpha, but it’s awesome. The first beta week end had few ships, only two maps, LD texture (and maybe low definition models). The second beta WE was a bigger…
World of Warships second beta weekend video
World of Warships second beta weekend video Mighty Jingles video about second beta weekend of World of Warships. Awesome! In attesa di una recensione (che mi appresto a scrivere), ecco un video riassuntivo fatto da Jingles. Merita tutto, il gioco è meraviglioso e sta procedendo bene nello sviluppo. Ma vi racconterò tutto nella prossima recensione.
World of Warships Japanese Battleships
Fonte – Kawachi The first dreadnought built in Japan, the Kawachi-class featured artillery placed along the sides of the ship and at the bow and stern rather than on the center line. In World of Warships, this design reduces the maximum possible number of shots at a single target from 12 to eight, but…
World of Warships past beta weekend extended gameplay
An interesting video from the past WoWs beta weekend. Enjoy!