Nuovo video su Windstorm, nuova mappa del prossimo WoT 8.11 [embedplusvideo height=”450″ width=”450″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=Ccd8fXga3yM&width=450&height=480&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4680″ /]
Category: News
Panzer IV split Ausf A e D
The split of the Panzer IV is confirmed, which will even be divided into two wagons, Ausf. A and Ausf D, tier 3 and tier 4 respectively. E’ confermato lo split del Panzer IV che verrà diviso addirittura in due carri, Ausf. A e Ausf D, rispettivamente tier 3 e tier 4. Source –…
World of Tanks News 29 01 2014
– you will get the same punishment for teamdamage no matter how well you perform in battle (SS: as in, you will get punished the same way even if you did 12k damage). trad. si prenderà ugualmente una punizione per teamdamage indipendentemente dalla performance in battaglia. – it’s possible premium tanks, such as Dicker Max…
World of Tanks News 28 01 2014
– Q: “How come you reduced the alpha to 750 when the Soviets have 750 alpha on tier 8 already?” A: “Suffer, sovietophobe!”. trad. D. in che modo avete ridotto l’alpha a 750 quando i sovietici hanno già l’alpha a 750 sul tier 8? R. Soffrite, sovietfobici! – national battles were implemented because “Storm wanted it”….
World of Tanks – Ask to Storm 28 01 2014
– Waffenträger E-100 will be nerfed by 200 hitpoints, otherwise everything will stay the way it is in round 1 of the test. trad. il WT 100 sarà depotenziato di 200hp, per il resto tutto rimarrà così com’è al turno 1 del test – developers are working on various 8.11 issues, such as client crashes…
World of Tanks – Panzer IV Ausf A
It is a leak that has been running on the net since yesterday, it seems that at the WG they want to introduce a new medium German tank between tiers III and IV, it would be Panzer IV ausf A, to be clear the first version of the Panzer IV. That the Pz IV is…
World of Tanks news 27 01 2014
– for now it is not planned to change vehicle characteristics between random battles and upcoming historical battles (SS: as in, if you have a Panzer IV in certain setup, its characteristics will be the same in both modes, if you use the same modules). trad. per adesso non sono pianificati cambiamenti delle caratteristiche dei…
World of Tanks – Ask to Overlord 25 01 2014
Overlord about national battles (at that time, NBs were a flop!): Vehicle balance has never been tailored to cater for national battles (same nation teams), so we might get some unexpected results which will require changing/fixing. This applies to particular vehicles and particular nation vs nation opposition. Trad. Il bilanciamento dei veicoli non è mai…
World of Tanks – News 26 01 2014
– Storm states that there are no confirmed reports on Hidden Village FPS drops. trad. Storm dice che non ci sono notizie confermate che Hidden Village causi caduta di FPS. – Storm confirms: the tier 8 Soviet premium medium candidate is the light T-54. trad. Storm conferma: il tier 8 premium sovietico potrebbe essere il…
World of Tanks 8.11 – Model Changes
Ecco una breve lista delle modifiche ad alcuni modelli di carri presenti nella 8.11 Nashorn – got a bit bigger (the smaller one is the old one). trad. il Nashorn sarà leggermente più grosso The T-54 model was drastically changed. The longer one is the new one (also, with fuel tanks in the back) –…