– Wargaming knows about bots and Storm says they will fight them, but he also says there are much fewer of them than what players think, “less than 1 percent of all players” (there is an analysis running, after that botters will be banned). trad. la WG sa dei bot e Storm afferma che li…
Category: News
World of Tanks – WZ-132 minor changes
The WZ-132 achieved a slight change in the shape of the tracks, a change not present in the patch notes. Il WZ-132 ha ottenuto un leggero cambiamento nella forma dei cingoli, modifica non presente nelle note di patch.
World of Tanks News 05 02 2014
Yurko2F explains how camo works: (Yurko2F spiega come funziona la camo) “Camouflage is a coefficient. As an example, take 0.5 – that means that a tank with 400 meter viewrange will see the enemy with 0,5 camo factor at (400*0.5) = 200 meters. Movement and shooting increase this coefficient, while camo net and camo skill…
World of Tanks 8.11 – Common Test iter 3 -changelog
unexpectedly, we have round 3 of the 8.11 test (only two rounds were originally planned). The changes are following (since I didn’t see them in EU patchnotes): trad. inaspettatamente la WG ha deciso per un terzo test per la 8.11 (nelle precedenti news si escludeva del tutto, ndt). – fixed the bug where it was…
World of Tanks News 04 02 2014
– there is no set rule that certain damage in game has to correspond to certain caliber (SS: for example 150mm guns don’t have to deal 750 or 850 damage, the number can be completely different). trad. non ci sono regole prefissate che stabiliscno che un certo danno corrisponda a un preciso calibro. – DW2…
World of Tanks – Ghost tanks – E-10
The WoT ghost tank column is back! Today we talk about the Hetzer E-10 The E-10 tank destroyer was part of the E project, standardized vehicles that could speed up production by sharing many parts and, basically, even basic design. The E-10 in fact had to share many components with the E-25. Conceived in May…
World of Tanks Xbox 360 beta
World Of Tanks XBOX 360 is in a sort of open beta even if not yet on a global scale, all the news on the official website (in English). World Of Tanks XBOX 360 è in una sorta di open beta anche se non ancora a scala mondiale, tutte le notizie sul sito ufficiale (in…
World of Tanks News 03 02 2014
– there are no two arty lines for some nations (SS: Americans could get one) because “we don’t want it for now”. trad. non ci sono due linee arty per alcune nazioni (gli USa potrebbero prenderne un’altra) perchè non ne vogliamo per adesso. – apparently, TG (Tank Grotte) won’t be implemented anytime soon. trad. il…
World of Tanks – Ask to Storm 02 02 2014
– new 8.11 FOV is 90 degrees. trad. il nuovo FOV nella 8.11 è di 90 gradi. – the old 8.11 FOV was actually different for each resolution. trad. il vecchio FOV della 8.11 era differente per ogni risoluzione – during this week it will be decided whether 9.0 will bring TD camo nerf (SS:…
World of Tanks News 02 02 2014
– apparently, T23 premium tank will not be sold… trad. il T23 premium non sarà in vendita. – T23 will not have the same speed going backward as going forward, the reverse will be around 30 km/h. trad. il T23 avrà la stessa velocità in avanti e in retro. La velocità in retro sarà di…