– there will be a new map in 9.1, but which one – that won’t be disclosed now (SS: allegedly, it’s Kharkov). trad. ci sarà una nuova mappa nella 9.1, non ancora annunciata (si parla di Kharkov). – Storm confirms that open-topped turrets (like for example open-topped arty) are not subjected to being torn off by…
Category: World of Tanks
World of Tanks News 17 04 2014 bis part 1
– 25 percent RNG was implemented, because according to Storm, “this number optimally simulates real life” . trad. il 25% di generatore di numeri casuale è stato aggiunto perché secondo Storm questo numero simula bene la vita reale. – ammo explosion ripping off the turret of tanks depends on the remaining amount of ammunition in the rack –…
World of Tanks news 17 04 2014 part 2
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/17/17-4-2014/ – there will be no hotfixes after 9.0 regarding FPS, there will also be no rollback on the HD models or new render, developers will work on it further though so it looks better, there will apparently be a hotfix dealing with some lighting issues (SS: not sure what that is). trad….
World of Tanks news 17 04 2014 part 1
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/16/16-4-2014/ – the game will not stop working on Dx9 anytime soon. trad. il gioco non finirà di funzionare sulle DX9 – the Schurzen on new Panzer IV Ausf.G are part of the armor model, they work. trad. le Schurzen sul Panzer IV sono funzionali – Storm confirms: 12 tanks will be buffed in…
Chiedilo a Storm | Ask To Storm WoT new patch 9.0
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/16/storm-talks-about-patch-9-0/ – there will be no separate client for HD models and “old” models. trad. non ci sarà un client HD e uno normale. – if you see a flash in the sniper mode and you have it disabled in the settings, it’s probably mods. trad. se si vede un flash nella modalità cecchino…
WoT 9.0 secret nerf
M4 Sherman – top turret: seconda torretta – 105mm howitzer reload time nerfed from 8s to 9s. Trad. Tempo di ricarica del 105mm depotenziato da 8 a 9secondi – 105mm howitzer aimtime nerfed from 2,3s to 2,5s. Trad. Tempo di mira del 105mm depotenziato da 2,3 a 2,5 sec. – 76mm M1A1 reload time nerfed from…
World of Tanks news 15 04 2014 part1
http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/15/15-4-2014/ – Panther and Object 430 size changes were changed (both were made a bit bigger), this doesn’t appear in the patch notes, because it’s apparently insignificant. trad. Panther e Obj 430 hanno subito una modifica nelle dimensioni, che non è presente nelle note di patch perchè insignificante. – World of Tanks is not influenced…
Chiedilo a Storm | Ask to Storm wot patch 9.1
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/15/storm-talks-about-9-1-balance-changes/ – TD camouflage bonus after shooting will be removed (SS: currently, when shooting, TD’s don’t lose as much camo as other classes, this will be a nasty nerf especially to very fragile TD’s with big guns, such as the Borsig and WT Panzer IV). trad. il camuffamento dei TD dopo aver sparato sarà…
WoT 9.0 introductive and cinematographic video
Finally, this is the final introductive and cinematographic video to the patch 9.0. trad. e finalmente ci siamo, meno di 24 ore al via. Ecco il video cinematografico di WoT. [embedplusvideo height=”450″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1jHA9Gy” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/XJla7WH7Wzg?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=XJla7WH7Wzg&width=450&height=450&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2089″ /]
World of Tanks 9.0 Server RU
Russian server is just patched, 2,3gb. trad. il server russo è già aggiornato, grandezza aggiornamento 2,3gb.