– SerB doesn’t see a general problem with the “old” tanks (SS: as in earlier introduced): “If Veider’s team notices problems in statistics, we will buff them”. trad. SerB non vede problemi con i vecchi carri (quelli introdotti per primi! ndt): ” Se il team di Veider nota problemi nelle statistiche, li potenzierà!” – SerB…
Category: World of Tanks
World of Tanks news 10 02 2014 part 1
– SerB doesn’t see a general problem with the “old” tanks (SS: as in earlier introduced): “If Veider’s team notices problems in statistics, we will buff them”. trad. SerB non vede problemi con i vecchi carri (quelli introdotti per primi! ndt): ” Se il team di Veider nota problemi nelle statistiche, li potenzierà!” – SerB…
World of Tanks news – interview with Evilly – part 2
– CRC sum (MD5) checking usefulness is dubious and it is resource-requiring, according to Evilly – he states an example of some game, that does it, but it gets bypassed anyway. trad. l’utilità del controllo CRC sum (MD5) è dubbia e richiede risorse, secondo Evilly. Egli porta l’esempio di alcuni giochi che fanno questo e…
World of Tanks news – interview with Evilly – part 1
– Russian threads about bots were purged on RU forums, because a player cannot be 100 percent sure, whether the target is a bot or a human, apparently, bots caused a hysterical reaction across several communities. trad. la discussione russa sul forum riguardo ai bot è stata ripulita , perchè i giocatori non possono essere…
World of Tanks News 08 02 2014
– the “additional grousers” equipment works by reducing the ground resistance on soft surfaces and (somewhat less) on medium surfaces. I ramponi addizionali funzionano per ridurre la resistenza sui terreni soffici e un pò meno sui terreni medi (es. Strade sterrate, ndt). Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/02/08/8-2-2014
World of Tanks – BoT menace part 1
Silentstalker nel suo blog ha curato uno speciale sui BoT che affliggono WoT, leggiamo cosa ha scoperto e approfondito: Source– http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/02/05/bots-why-are-they-bad-and-why-doesnt-wg-fight-them What a bot can do. trad. Bot, cosa possono fare When you say “bot”, most of us imagine a tank, that just stands in a corner, turning his gun around and occasionally shooting into the…
World of Tanks News 07 02 2014
– developers are investigating alleged FPS drops on very high end computers (Win8). trad. i devs stanno investigando su problemi di caduta di FPS su pc di fascia molto alta (Win8) – Q: “Please implement a ‘one minute remaining’ gong in the battle” A: “And girls in bikini, yes” trad. D. per favore aggiungete un…
World of Tanks – Battletier 12 removal
“Removing battletier 12 will mean two things. First, it’s a de-facto buff of tier 8 light tanks, their MM spread will be limited by one, which means the time they spent on that battletier will be distributed to the (easier) battletiers. Second, as I said, it means nothing for tier 8 vehicles (they won’t get…
World of Tanks News 06 02 2014
– Storm confirms, T49 will come this year (SS: T49 LT is a project to upgun Walker Bulldog with 90mm). trad. Storm conferma che il T49 verrà quest’anno. – Sheridan appearing in WoT? “No chance”. Trad. pare non vi siano speranze che lo Sheridan appaia in WoT. – Storm is not happy with the fact…
World of Tanks – Ask to Storm – 05 02 2014
– Wargaming knows about bots and Storm says they will fight them, but he also says there are much fewer of them than what players think, “less than 1 percent of all players” (there is an analysis running, after that botters will be banned). trad. la WG sa dei bot e Storm afferma che li…