– quality of armor is not taken into account in World of Tanks. Qualità della corazza non è presa in considerazione in World of Tanks – recently, one of the “lesser” developers posted on RU forums that “higher caliber guns have bigger chance of damaging modules” – Yurko2F explains how this really works: it has…
Category: World of Tanks
World of Tanks 8.11 – common test iter 2 -Patchnotes
– improved the performance (FPS) on Hidden Village and Windstorm. trad. aumentata la performance in FPS su Hidden Village e Windstorm – finished screwing up reworking T-54 and Type 59. trad. è ultimata la rilavorazione del T-54 e Type 59 – fixed client crashes when using magazine and depot. trad. corretti i problemi di crash…
World of Tanks – clan logo issue update
News about the problem of the clan logos: the WG admits that this is an error that will be presumably corrected with the next server reset. Novità sul problema dei loghi dei clan, la WG ammette che si tratta di un errore che verrà corretto presumibilmente con il prossimo reset del server. Source – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/01/31/clan-logos-deletion-update/
World of Tanks – Clan Logo issue
From some hours it seems that a new problem has arisen in the EU server due to the disappearance of the clan logos. It is not an isolated phenomenon, about 80% of the clans have lost their respective brands / logos. There is no precise information and the WG has not yet ruled on the…
World of Tanks 30 01 2014
– Storm confirms that the new render limit will be a 700m diameter circle (currently, it’s a box and the maximum distance of rander is 707m). trad. Storm conferma che il nuovo limite di render sarà 700m di diametro (al momento è un cubo con massima distanza di 707mm) – Storm states that the new…
WoT 8.11 video Windstorm
Nuovo video su Windstorm, nuova mappa del prossimo WoT 8.11 [embedplusvideo height=”450″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/MzTjTn” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Ccd8fXga3yM?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=Ccd8fXga3yM&width=450&height=480&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4680″ /]
Panzer IV split Ausf A e D
The split of the Panzer IV is confirmed, which will even be divided into two wagons, Ausf. A and Ausf D, tier 3 and tier 4 respectively. E’ confermato lo split del Panzer IV che verrà diviso addirittura in due carri, Ausf. A e Ausf D, rispettivamente tier 3 e tier 4. Source – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/01/30/straight-outta-supertest-panzer-ausf-d-and-9-0-german-tank-split/…
World of Tanks News 29 01 2014
– you will get the same punishment for teamdamage no matter how well you perform in battle (SS: as in, you will get punished the same way even if you did 12k damage). trad. si prenderà ugualmente una punizione per teamdamage indipendentemente dalla performance in battaglia. – it’s possible premium tanks, such as Dicker Max…
World of Tanks News 28 01 2014
– Q: “How come you reduced the alpha to 750 when the Soviets have 750 alpha on tier 8 already?” A: “Suffer, sovietophobe!”. trad. D. in che modo avete ridotto l’alpha a 750 quando i sovietici hanno già l’alpha a 750 sul tier 8? R. Soffrite, sovietfobici! – national battles were implemented because “Storm wanted it”….
World of Tanks – Ask to Storm 28 01 2014
– Waffenträger E-100 will be nerfed by 200 hitpoints, otherwise everything will stay the way it is in round 1 of the test. trad. il WT 100 sarà depotenziato di 200hp, per il resto tutto rimarrà così com’è al turno 1 del test – developers are working on various 8.11 issues, such as client crashes…