Fonte – and FTR WoT – the goal is to destroy all enemy tanks or to capture the base within 7 minutes – M24 Chaffee (apart from being fast) fires shots, that do 50 damage (on average). It has 1000 hitpoints. – the engine of the vehicle cannot be damaged during the race (all…
Category: World of Tanks
World of Tanks news 26 09 2014
Fonte – – the loss of penetration depends on actual distance the shell travels in the game. If you are aiming at a vehicle 500 meters from you and another tanks drives in your line of fire less than 100 meters from you and you hit him, the shell will use the 100 meter penetration…
WoT leaks M3 Grant
Ancora un leak sul prossimo ramo britannico, ecco una schermata sull’M3 Grant, versione modificata dell’M3 Lee:
World of Tanks news 25 09 2014 pt2
Fonte – – no plans to introduce +/-1 MM – the 30 second countdown until the start of the battle won’t be reduced – Storm states that Tiger was nerfed earlier because it was overbuffed, that’s why the nerf was also different than the current one of the Hellcat – getting teamkilled in battles too…
World of Tanks news 25 09 2014 pt1
Fonte – – Storm states now that the HD textures option in the launcher is missing intentionally (HD textures have to be installed manually), because “many people will leave it enabled ‘just so’ and not because they actually need it” – he adds that the reason for this is saving traffic and also preventing FPS…
World of Tanks patch 9.3 online
Come tutti avete notato la patch 9.3 è online. Tutti felici? Non credo. Noto problemi di aggiornamento. Il sito è irraggiungibile e l’aggiornamento automatico da client proprio non va. Che fare? Bella domanda. Provate a seguire i link qui di seguito. Da questo link scaricherete la patch da inserire dentro la cartelletta wot/updates e poi…
WoT Firefly Sherman Sentinel
Fonte – Pare che per errore sul wiki ufficiale USA di WoT siano stati immessi i dati di quattro futuri carri del ramo secondario brittannico, Il Firefly, lo Sherman II e i due Sentinel, AC I premium e AC IV. I dati non è detto che siano ufficiali, è probabile che siano ufficiosi e…
World of Tanks news 24 09 2014 pt2
Fonte – – the map reload time depends mostly on disk speeds – Hellcat in 9.3 is doing fine according to Veider, it just lost the part where it could act as a medium tank – regarding the T-34/85 vs T-34 hull size differences: “Praxis showed that it can be in either way. Even…
World of Tanks news 24 09 2014 pt1
fonte – – the LTTB turret is actually historical. Sort of. It’s a regular T-34/85 turret with slightly enlarged turret ring (1600 to 1660mm). It was however not designed for LTTB, it’s completely independent on that. – the next gift tank (Panzer II Ausf.D) having too low penetration? “It’s still supertest” and “No comment on…
WoT 9.3 Storm domande e risposte | Storm Q&A
Fonte – – some mods again stopped working with 9.3, but other players reports their mods to be working – the shots sound more muted when in sniper mode, Storm states this is intentional: “The price of realism” (later, he adds “try hitting a tank with a hammer with someone inside – he will barely…