Fonte – Tre immagini che riassumono brevemente il sistema di rimbalzi: [Show slideshow]
Category: World of Tanks
WoT 9.3 T49 show
Ed eccovi un video hollywoodiano con protagonista il T49. Da non perdere!!!
WoT 9.3 How a ricochet shell will works
Grazie a SilentStalker di FTR, possiamo leggere dal russo le spiegazioni ufficiali sul nuovo meccanismo dei rimbalzi. La traduzione inglese è opera di SilentStalker e potete visitarla al seguente indirizzo: quella originale in russo la troverete qui: A ricochet is a deflected shot, that hits the armor under a very steep angle. In World of…
World of Tanks news 14 09 2014
– neither Havok nor massive rebalance of vehicles was promised for 9.3 – the “ground hole” on Ruinberg map was fixed in 9.3 – in 9.3, Chaffee XP compersation will not be awarded as free XP (it will be tied to the Chaffee) – destroyed transmission and engine will not count towards “assist damage” bonus…
WoT 9.4 leaks swamp-palude map
Fonte – Ed ecco come cambierà la mappa Palude! [Show slideshow]
Chiedilo a Evilly | Ask to Evilly 14 09 2014 pt2
Fonte – – in order to run Havok, “notebooks will need a teflon plate under them” (SS: as in, it will be requiring) – there will be a special commander rating for Stronghold mode – developers are developing a system that will automatically ban players, if they say some phrases in chat (SS: “jew”, “polak”,…
Chiedilo a Evilly | Ask to Evilly 14 09 2014 pt1
Altra intervista a Evilly! Parte 1 Fonte – – 2015 will be the “Year of Random battles” – 9.4 will bring the Stalingrad map as well as initial stage of Havok – new reworked Historical battles will resemble coordinated company mode battles (each team will play one conflict side), it will include PvE elements as…
World of Tanks news 13 09 2014
Fonte – – some tier 10 vehicles have unlockable guns, because, as SerB explains: “In real life, these vehicles had ‘stock’ guns. The need to unlock the top guns is compensated by lower unlocking price of the vehicle itself.” – Q: “Why is KV-85 called KV-85 and not KV-100 or KV-122?” (SS: the number obviously…
WoT 9.3 new explosions
Fonte – Ecco le nuove esplosioni ambientali (treni, vagoni, barili, ecc.). Preparatevi ad una riduzione di FPS, perchè se tanto mi da tanto… [Show slideshow]
WoT 9.3 Kharkov map bug!
Ed ecco un video che mostra il pericoloso bug nella mappa Kharkov per la patch 9.3 di WoT