Ed ecco le prime immagini dal Supertest! Ci sono T49 sheridan, RU251 e T54 leggero!!! [Show slideshow]
Category: World of Tanks
WoT T-34-85M images
Ecco le immagini ufficiali del premium tier 6 russo T-34-85M [Show slideshow]
WoT leaks FV304 nerf
Fonte – https://vk.com/newsblog_wot – DPM nerfed from 2346,4 to 2085,7 – reload nerfed from 11,507s to 12,945s – ROF nerfed from 5,214 to 4,635 – aimtime nerfed from 4,32s to 4,6s – accuracy loss (aim spread) after shooting nerfed by 20 percent – accuracy loss after moving the gun nerfed by cca 17 percent – accuracy…
World of Tanks news 27 06 2014 pt1
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/27/27-8-2014/ – retraining of crew roles (SS: as in, radioman to driver for example) will be implemented – current stage of the Stronghold mode is only the beginning, there will be many new things – spotting range minimap circle, render range minimap designator and spots where the enemy was seen last time on minimap…
World of Tanks news 26 08 2014 pt4
– 9.3 will bring more punishments for AFKers, leavers and suiciders (developers are however aware that arty players don’t move much and sometimes do no damage even if they try) – if you commit suicide even against unwinnable odds, you will be punished – there is no plan to award top 3 tanks of the…
WoT leaks 9.3 T49 Sheridan
Fonte – http://vk.com/wotleaks Altra immagine che mostra i parametri del cannone del T49 Sheridan, tier 8 leggero USA!
World of Tanks news 26 08 2014 pt3
Fonte – WoT FTR – there is not much info on top tier Soviet and Chinese mediums turret armor, it’s not sure whether their turret armor will be changed (the way T-54 was in HD) when they get reworked to HD – T-34/100 as tier 7 premium? “No guarantees” – Panzer IV Schmalturm will not…
WoT leaks LTTP e M41 Walker Buldog Pics
Fonte – http://vk.com/wotleaks Altre due immagini dell’M41 Walker Bulldog e dell’LTTP sovietico: [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks news 26 08 2014 pt2
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/26/26-8-2014/ – new motion physics will come in close to medium future, developers already found a way how to make it correctly – new camo system and reworked landscape to HD will come in medium future – first premium tanks to be reworked to HD will by Type 59 and Jagdtiger 88 – developers…
World of Tanks news 26 08 2014 pt1
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/26/26-8-2014/ – 90 percent of all feedback on El-Halluf rework was apparently positive – Storm confirms Malinovka will be reworked – 9.3 test will come soon – supertest of 9.3 will start on 28.8. (this Thursday) – Havok: “when it’s done”, it’s apparently almost ready, but there is a lot of content to rework…