Fonte – – SU-76I (premium tier 3 TD) is still being tested apparently – MBT-70 in WoT? “No comment” (SS: no, too modern) – HD model size changes (SS: it got a it bigger IIRC), for example on the IS tank do not mean that camo factor was changed as well SU76I (cacciacarri premium tier…
Category: World of Tanks
World of Tanks 9.2.2 patch
Improvvisamente la WG ha pianificato di rilasciare oggi una micropatch, la 9.2.2. Si sconosce il motivo. Forse si tratta di fix o forse viene introdotta la fun mode Chaffee racing, simile alle precedenti (Karl mode, e T62/a soccer mode). Si tratta di una modalità nella quale correremo a bordo di uno Chaffee modificato. Sono previste…
WoT 9.3 leaks Hellcat nerfed
Fonte – – DPM nerfed from 1800 to 1694 – reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s – rate of fire nerfed from 7,50 to 7,059 – accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed from 0,16 to 0,20 – accuracy loss from traversing and moving nerfed from 0,23 to 0,36 – accuracy loss from turning…
World of Tanks news 20 08 2014
Fonte – – Q: “Compared to other German tanks, the armor of track module on Maus is weak. Is it a balance parameter?” A (SerB): “To write bullshit is bad for your brain. Maus has the highest track armor of all the tanks.” – it’s possible that some cases of the Sixth Sense lightbulb not…
WoT leaks obj 430 buffs
Fonte – e WoT FTR Nella 9.3 l’Obj 430 verra potenziato: – DPM buffed from 2901 to 3128 – reload time buffed from 6,616 to 6,137s – accuracy on the move buffed (when the vehicle is moving and turning turret, by cca 30 percent) – accuracy of the gun nerfed from 0,336 to 0,364 il…
WoT leaks KV-85 with 100 and 122mm
Fonte – Il Kv1s verrà diviso in due carri, il tier VI sarà il KV-85 che avrà due cannoni top, un 100mm (S-34) e un 122mm (D-25T). Le statistiche con il 100mm saranno le seguenti: ROF: 8,233 (7,89) Reload: 7,288 Ammo carried: 41 Accuracy: 0,364 (0,38) Aimtime: 2,59 (2,7) Elevation: -3/+18,5 Penetration: 170/210/50 Damage: 250/250/330…
World of Tanks news 18 and 19 08 2014
Fonte – – apparently, the stop/brake lights on some tanks will not be made functional – it’s possible that the US LT8 will merge into some existing line (SS: T54 medium tank specifically) – Q: “Why does a tractor explode when you run over it and a car does not” A: “Just imagine the tractor…
WoT leaks new hd tanks M3lee ISU-152
Fonte – Altre immagini di carri in Hd di prossima introduzione [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks news 17 08 2014
Fonte – – the information that Firefly was planned for patch 0.9.5 is correct (SS: this however can still change, currently the 9.5 is planned for mid December) – attacking other Strongholds owned by other clans will work roughly as clanwars, only instead of gold, you get the industrial resource – apparently, there was a…
WoT leaks IS7 hd model
fonte – VK Wotleaks community prime immagini per l’IS7 in hd! [Show slideshow]