Fonte – – the hitpoints of the modules are set according to class, tier and nation of the vehicle, the frequency of their damage depends on their distribution in that actual vehicle and your playstyle – the aim circle doesn’t get any bigger when you switch from arcade to sniper mode, it simply is displayed…
Category: World of Tanks
World of Warships official gamescom video
Altro video, ufficiale, direttamente dal Gamescom, su World of Warships!
Astonishing WoT leak D-Day map
Fonte – Nuova o vecchia mappa che sia, i devs pare stiano lavorando ad una mappa denominata D-Day o Normandia, ecco la prima immagine:
World of Tanks news 14 08 2014
Fonte – WoT FTR – the amount of shells carried in vehicles is historical, unless the number influences balance – apparently, the situation where a light vehicle survives large caliber gun hits is historical, the vehicle might have survived a penetrating hit and rushed off before the enemy vehicle or gun fired off another shot…
WoT 9.3 leaks Hellcat and T57 nerfs
Fonte – Ecco alcune indiscrezioni per la prossima patch. Come dice la fonte, si tratta di notizie vere in mezzo a notizie meno vere, per cui prendetele molto col beneficio del dubbio: T57 Heavy will be nerfed in 0.9.3. Specifically: – accuracy on the move nerfed by 25 percent – aim time and accuracy loss…
Chiedilo a Evilly | Ask to Evilly 14 08 2014
Fonte – Non mi fido di quanto Evilly afferma nelle interviste, perchè viene puntualmente smentito. tuttavia questa è un’intervista breve avvenuta in una web radio russa, vale la pena darvi un’occhiata: – it’s planned that when KV-1S is split into two tanks, players will get both tanks. Details will come later. – it’s planned that…
World of Tanks news 13 08 2014
Fonte – – 9.3 test – “when it’s done it’s done” (SS: in roughly 2 weeks or so) – the TD and regular version of guns are different in the game, they do not necesserily have to have the same stats even on the same tier – the punishment for a teamkiller who would get…
World of Tanks news 13 08 2014
Fonte – – new visibility (viewrange) system is being worked on – Stalingrad map will be “really nice”, won’t come in 9.3 – Stalingrad will come earlier than within half a year – WG thinks that the most active Stronghold mode will be the tier 6 battles – air raid will come in WoT (SS:…
Wargaming wot birthday video
Altro video sul compleanno di WoT. Interessante (sebbene in russo), buona visione:
WoT EU gamescom 2014 missions
Inizia gamescom – dal 13-15 agosto – Missione # 1 – ottenere 40k exp (TOP10) – Missione # 2 – Gioca 30 partite, (TOP10) – Missione # 3 – “Gamescom Roll Out” – Completa la Missione #1 e #2 x3 volte – si otterrà un grande premio (probabilmente 3 giorni premium) Gamescom evento – a partire…