Fonte – – a clan will pick the “time for defense” of its stronkhold (one hour). Clan can pick any time they want, it’s not limited in any way. Clan stronkhold will not be attackeable at any other time . trad. un clan otterrà un turno di difesa della propria fortezza una volta per ora….
Category: World of Tanks
Russian CW and Stronghold Q&A pt1
Fonte – – the difference between Stronkhold and Farmville is that everything in this mode you have to gain through combat, not outside of the mode trad la differenza tra Stronghold e Farmville è che con questa modalità qualsiasi cosa si guadagni lo si fa attraverso la battaglia e non fuori. – on 10th tier…
Intervista | Interview with Viktor Kislyi pt2
Fonte – – the idea behind World of Tanks was “there are enough games with infantry, let’s make a game with tanks only!” l’idea dietro WoT era: ci sono sufficienti giochi con la fanteria, facciamone uno solo con i carri! – “We had no idea to what extent will the size of the game grow…
World of Tanks news 23 07 2014
Fonte – – Veider confirms that the new KV-85 tier 6 tank (split of KV-1S in 9.3) will have a 100mm top gun, with the (nerfed) 122mm as an alternative (SS: the 100mm will according to historical data – if they use them – have roughly the same penetration) trad. Veider conferma che il nuovo…
World of Tanks Xbox news
Fonte – – in current update, the status of WoT Xbox tank amount reached the state the PC version was in patch 8.10. trad. nell’attuale update il numero di carri presenti in WoTXbox è pari alla versione PC 8.10 – there soon will be “super platoons” of 7 people, which will be balanced against…
World of Tanks news 21 07 2014 pt2
Fonte – – it is theoretically possible that ALL tanks will get Sixth Sense as default (SS: as in, you won’t need to level it up, all tanks will have it), but it was not decided yet. trad. è teoricamente possibile che tutti i carri abbiano sesto senso di base, ma non è stata…
World of Tanks news 21 07 2014 pt3
Fonte – WOT FTR – Konigsberg map was scrapped for now. trad. la mappa Konigsberg è stata abbandonata per adesso. – there will not be a possibility to crush the enemy tank with your tank (for example by E-100 driving over ELC) – “difficult to model the situation” trad. non sarà possibile schiacciare un carro…
World of Tanks news 21 07 2014 pt1
Fonte – – apparently, on ASIA server, you can also claim the recently sold premium tanks back, but no news on the automated premium tank recovery feature the US server has. trad. a quanto pare sul server Asia si può ottenere indietro i carri premium venduti, ma nessuna news su sistema automatico di ottenimento…
WoT 9.3 leaks kv1s nerf
Finalmente alcune novità sul prossimo nerf del KV1s. Pare ufficiale che il kv1s al tier 6 prenda il nome di KV85, vediamo quali saranno i nerf o i buff: – the top gun remains the 122mm D-2-5 trad. il cannone top rimane il 122mm D-2-5 ( e non il D-25t) – DPM nerfed from 1525…
World of Tanks news 20 07 2014
– the unhistoricity of tanks in the game is relative according to developers: some players claim that 70 percent of all tanks are “unhistorical” – developers argue that this number could be brought to up to 100 percent, since there is practically always an unhistorical element in some tanks (such as maximum speed) trad. la…