A grande richiesta recuperiamo i 2 episodi precedenti di WHY SO SERIOUS RNG, ecco il numero 1!
Category: World of Tanks
WoT 9.2 Supertest patchnotes p3
Fonte –http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/01/0-9-2-supertest-patchnotes/ – added “Stronkhold” clan mode trad. aggiunta la modalità clan/fortezze – reworked following maps: Sacred Valley, Cliff, Sand River, Hidden Village, Erlenberg, El-Halluf, Airport, Komarin. trad. rilavorate le seguenti mappe: Sacred Valley, Cliff, Sand River, Hidden Village, Erlenberg, El-Halluf, Airport, Komarin. – added new reworked Prokhorovka map. trad. aggiunta la mappa rilavorata di Prokhorovka –…
WoT 9.2 Supertest patchnotes p2
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/01/0-9-2-supertest-patchnotes/ Japanese tank changes – repair costs of Type 97 Te-Ke reduced by 5 percent. trad. i costi di riparazione del Te-Ke sono stati abbassati del 5% British tank changes – 183mm HESH penetration (FV215b 183) nerfed from 275mm to 230mm. trad. 183mm penetrazione degli Hesh (FV215b 183) depotenziati da 275mm a 230mm –…
WoT 9.2 Supertest patchnotes p1
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/01/0-9-2-supertest-patchnotes/ French tank changes – AMX50B: gun aim time buffed from 3s to 2,5s. trad. tempo mira potenziato da 3s a 2,5s German tank changes Aufklärungspanzer Panther – reload time of 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 for turret VK 28.01 Ausf. C buffed from 4s to 3,4s. tempo di ricarica per il Waffe 0725 e…
World of Tanks news addendum part 4 Bots
Bots It takes 25 bot reports per day (within 24 hours) to make support staff check someone for botting. The response time of a mod however can be up to a week. Daily, WG RU recieves 17500 bot reports via “player is a bot” report function within the game, less than 3 percent of those…
World of Tanks news 01 07 2014
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/01/1-7-2014/ – Tanitha confirms that current historical battles format will be removed in 9.2. trad. si conferma la rimozione delle battaglie storiche nella 9.2: “The current historical battles installed in 9.1 are due to be removed in 9.2 (which is normal since historical battles were originally scheduled to be replaced with new ones every…
Why So Serious RNG ep 3
Terzo episodio di RNG Why So Serious. Bellissimo!!!
WoT July 2014 calendar
Finalmente il calendario di luglio che vede il Tortoise come protagonista.
World of Tanks news 30 06 2014
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/30/30-6-2014/ – according to Cannoneer (WG tank developer), it’s not yet sure what gun will the Soviet tier 8 light tank LTTB have (57mm, 76mm, 85mm were mentioned), the tank was not balanced yet. trad. secondo Cannoneer (sviluppatore WG per i carri), non è ancora sicuro quale cannone avrà il carro sovietico leggero…
news from Pit
Altra immagine per la prossima mappa dedicata solo ai tier più bassi. Nome in codice “The Pit”, “la Fossa”.