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Category: World of Tanks
WoT patch 9.2 info from supertest
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/20/small-bits-of-info-from-supertest/ – for quite some time, the developers have been testing Ensk with explosive objects (railway wagons, “red barrels”). trad. per un pò di tempo i devs stanno testando (o hanno testato) Ensk con oggetti esplosivi (vagoni ferroviarii, barili rossi) – developers have been also reworking Malinovka, they are not satisfied about it. trad….
World of Tanks news 20 06 2014
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/20/20-6-2014/ – Tier 8 premium German medium – Panther with L/71? Evilly: “You almost guessed right!” trad. Tier 8 premum tedesco? Panther con 88mm L/71? Evilly: avete indovinato (che bello un altro Panther…ndt). – Leopard 1, AMX50B and FV4202 will get small buffs. trad. Leopard 1, AmX50B e l’FV4202 avranno piccoli buff. – switching…
WoT beta test Strongholds video italiano
Il Clan DCC offre un servizio importante, la traduzione in italiano dei sottotitoli nel video Fortezze o Fortificazioni, buona visione!
War Thunder New Features Network connection has been optimized (traffic reduced). Added crew on open vehicle. New missions/maps: New ground vehicle location “Carpathian mountains” Arcade battles 1.1×1.1km RB and SB 2x2km New missions: [Domination] Berlin; [Domination] Britain; [Domination] Korsun; Changes in ground vehicle locations and missions: In historical missions on “Kuban”, “Jungle” and “Ash River”, sides…
World of Tanks News 19 06 2014
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/19/19-6-2014/ – recent changes in the “light T-54″ also showed that the frontal turret armor was reduced from 180mm to 160mm. Storm states that the 180mm most likely stays at the front where the turret armor is practically unsloped, 160mm will be the sloped part. trad. i cambiamenti recenti nel T54 leggero hanno mostrato…
World of Tanks Strongholds Video
Video introduttivo alle Strongholds, imminenti. video molto interessante!!! Di seguito il link per il download del test server http://dl.wargaming.net/wot/ct/files/WoT_internet_install_ct.exe
Wot 9.2 WT E-100 nerf
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/19/9-2-wt-e-100-changes/ Ed ecco il riassunto dei nerf previsti per il WT E-100 – DPM decreased from 2985 to 2903 trad. DPM diminuito da 2985 a 2903. – clip reload time reduced by 9 seconds (60 to 51). trad. tempo di ricarica ridotto da 60 a 51 sec. – 128mm gun now has only 5…
World of Tanks news 18 06 2014
Fonte – http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/18/18-6-2014/ – regarding that KV-1, fished from water (see earlier FTR today), Evilly states that it can be renovated from this state, it happened before. trad . riguardo al KV1 pescato dall’acqua, Evilly afferma che si può restaurare, è già stato fatto. – Q: “It would be better that instead of WT E-100, they…
Armored Warfare new wallpaper
Nuovo bellissimo Wallpaper per Armored Warfare