World of Warships Mikhail Kutuzov gameplay video Here is an interesting gameplay video about the Mikhail Kutuzov, the new upcoming Soviet cruiser : Ecco un interessante video gameplay sull’incrociatore sovietico Mikhail Kutuzov, il nuovo incrociatore tier 8 premium sovietico.
World of Tanks Advent Calendar day 17
World of Tanks Advent Calendar day 17 Here you are the seventeenth day of Advent Calendar offer on EU and ASIA servers: Ed ecco le offerte del calendario avvento per il giorno 17 su EU e ASIA: ASIA VIII KV-5; GARAGE SLOT; 3,450 GOLD. € 42.45 (46.41 USD) EU VIII 59-PATTON; 1 GARAGE SLOT; GOLD:…
World of Tanks Blitz Win10 bug
World of Tanks Blitz Win10 bug Source – There is a nasty Bug in World of Tanks Blitz, Win10 players can bypass the platform lock by simply creating a platoon or changing the target platform from “win” to “andr”. Brutto bug per World of Watnks Blitz, i giocatori su Windows 10 possono aggirare le…
World of Warships ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL Official Collaboration Trailer
World of Warships ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL Official Collaboration Trailer Here is the official collaboration trailer of Arpeggio of Blue Steel with World of Warships. Enjoy(?!?) Arpeggio si unisce a World of Warships e collabora nella realizzazione di alcuni contenuti speciali. Ecco il video ufficiale. Enjoy (?!)
World of PAPOJ episodes from 43 to 47
World of PAPOJ episodes from 43 to 47 Here is the episodes from 43 to 47 of World of Papoj! Enjoy! E recuperiamo gli episodi di World of Papoj, dal 43 al 47! Divertitevi!
World of Tanks Guide Park new episode LTTB
World of Tanks Guide Park new episode LTTB Here is a new episode of Guide Park, starring the LTTB, fast, bold and Daring! Ecco un nuovo episodio di Guide Park con l’LTTB (fast, bold, Daring!)
World of Tanks Blitz on Windows 10 released
World of Tanks Blitz on Windows 10 released Today World of Tanks Blitz has been released for Windows 10 (NO Win 8/8.1). It’s necessary to remember that Win 10 players will have a dedicated MM. Oggi WoT Blitz è stato rilasciato per Windows 10 (NO Win 8/8.1). E’ necessario ricordare che il giocatori su…
World of Tanks Advent Calendar day 16
World of Tanks Advent Calendar day 16 Here you are the sixteenth day of Advent Calendar offer on EU and ASIA servers: Ed ecco le offerte del calendario avvento per il giorno 16 su EU e ASIA: ASIA PREMIUM: 360 DAYS € 74.97 (82.36 USD)€ 87.65 EU VII IS-2; TRAINED CREW: 100% IN MAJOR…
World of Tanks supertester leaks
– the Jagdpanzer IV has got a new unhistorical gun, the 75mm Pak 41: Lo Jagdpanzer IV ha ottneuto un nuovo e poco storico cannone, si tratta del 75mm Pak 41, che ha le seguenti caratteristiche: Tier: 7 Price (prezzo): 18300 Penetration (penetrazione): 157/221 Damage (danno): 135/135 Weight (peso): 720 Depression (depressione): -6/+15 Arc: L12/R12 Traverse speed…
World of Tanks New Year 2015 hangar
World of Tanks New Year 2015 hangar Here is a video preview about the New Year Hangar: Ecco un video anteprima dell’Hangar che ci ritroveremo per l’anno nuovo: