As usual, here is a set of screenshots about the TKS z n.k.m. 20 A: Come al solito, ecco un set di immagini sul TKS z n.k.m. 20 A:
World of Tanks leaks TKS z n.k.m. 20 A Polish tankette
The TK tankette was a Polish design produced from 1931 based on the chassis of the British Carden Loyd tankette, with an improved hull and more powerful engine, and armour up to 8 mm thick (10 mm on the TKS). In 1939, up-arming of the tankettes with Nkm wz.38 FK 20 mm machine guns began, but only 24…
World of Tanks Advent Calendar day 3
World of Tanks Advent Calendar day 3 HEre you are the Advent Calendar offer for EU and Asia Servers: Eccovi le offerte del calendario dell’Avvento per il giorno 3: EU T-35 85 Rudy 100% special crew 1 garage slot 1650 gold price 19.99 eu Asia Dicker Max 1 garage slot 10.07 eu (29% discount)
World of Tanks 9.12_2 patch notes
World of Tanks 9.12_2 patch notes Source – Fixed the issue with the latency of clan environment creation for Defense Hour in Battles for stronghold. Fixed the issue with disappearing objects when using low Graphics presets. Removed rental vehicles from the vehicle carousel for all modes except the Rampage mode. -Risolto il problema con la…
World of Tanks RNG no comments episode 47
World of Tanks Storm Q&A 01 12 2015
– developers admit: Stalingrad gameplay has issues – why were all tier 8 mediums buffed and not Type 59? Because Type 59 has limited MM – some players are encountering issues with the proper landscape display (graphics), this is because they lack enough RAM – after the recent micropatch, the players are complaining that…
World of Tanks NA December special offers
World of Tanks NA December special offers Source – -From December 1, 03:20 PT until December 2, 03:20 PT T-28-F30 = $9.99 1x Garage Slot 500 Gold -From December 2, 03:20 PT until December 3, 03:20 PT T-34-85M 1x Garage Slot 1,200 Gold -From December 3, 03:20 PT until December 4, 03:20 PT BT-SV = $99.99 1x…
World of Tanks PS4 Closed Beta test
Source – The CBT (closed beta test) for World of Tanks PS4 version is available from today. Anyone, who received an invite by email, can download the client and can test it. The others have to wait unitl the 4th December for the first Open Beta weekend. La Closed Beta di WoT PS4 è disponibile…
World of Tanks Advent Calendar day 2
World of Tanks Advent Calendar day 2 There are two special offer for the second day of the Advent Calendar. Due offerte speciali oggi, la prima per il server EU, la seconda per quello asiatico: On EU server -tier II LIGHT MK.VIC; -tier II T7 COMBAT CAR; -tier II PZ.KPFW. II AUSF. D; -tier III LTP; -tier II TETRARCH; -5…
World of Tanks 9.13 IS-6 HD model issues
World of Tanks 9.13 IS-6 HD model issues Source – The model of IS-6 HD has been removed from the upcoming patch 9.13 of World of Tanks. It seems that this HD model has some issues (armor?) and the release has been delayed (no ETA) Il modello dell’IS-6 in HD è stato rimosso dall’imminente patch…