World of Tanks 9.13 WZ-111 armor changes Source – Here is the armor changes of WZ-111 HD on World of Tanks 9.13: Ed ecco tutti i cambiamenti alla corazza del WZ-111 HD su WoT 9.13:
World of Tanks Advent Calendar Day 1
World of Tanks Advent Calendar Day 1 The first offer of the Advent Calendar is: La prima offerta del calendario avvento è (nei diversi server): On EU and NA servers T-28E F-30 (tier IV mt) 1 garage slot 1000 gold (500 on NA) Price 9.99eu (9.44 on NA) On ASIA server T-34-85M (tier VI mt)…
World of Tanks 9.13 new sound video
World of Tanks 9.13 new sound video Another video that compares new sound engine with the old one. Is it very impressive…? Altro video che paragona il nuovo motore sonoro con quello vecchio… Veramente impressionante?
World of Tanks new commercial video father and son
World of Tanks new commercial video father and son Here is another commercial video for World of Tanks: Altra pubblicità su World of Tanks da parte della Wargaming. Anche in questo caso dal gusto un pò discutibile:
World of Tanks 9.13 common test new sound and new physics video
World of Tanks 9.13 common test new sound and new physics video At the end here is a video preview about new sounds and new physics: E alla fine ecco un video anteprima sui nuovi suoli e la nuova fisica di movimento:
World of Tanks 9.13 AT 15A armor changes
World of Tanks 9.13 AT 15A armor changes The armor layout of premium tank destroyer AT15A has been changed and improved: Il modello della corazza del cacciacarri premium AT15A è cambiato e migliorato:
World of Tanks 9.13 common test server with new sound and physics
World of Tanks 9.13 common test server with new sound and physics Source – Changes to Sound Design in the Special Test Replaced the current FMOD sound engine with Wwise. Emphasised the informational component of sound. Now, the players always hear the most important in-game events first. Fully reworked all gameplay sound content. New…
World of Tanks czech tanks crew layouts
World of Tanks czech tanks crew layouts Here is some images that show the crew layouts of all czech tanks, from tier 1 to tier 10 Finalmente le immagini che mostrano la disposizione dei membri dell’equipaggio cecoslovacchi dal tier I al tier X
World of Tanks 9.13 TVP T 50/51 video review
World of Tanks 9.13 TVP T 50/51 video review Here is an interesting video review about the tier X TVP T 50/51 Non poteva mancare un’interessante video recensione del tier X cecoslovacco T 50/51
World of Tanks KV-4 KTTS size comparison
World of Tanks KV-4 KTTS size comparison This is an interesting picture comparison between KV-4 and KV-4 KTTS. The second screenshots shows the main modules of KV-4 KTTS: La prima è un’interessante immagine di comparazione tra KV-4 e il KV-4 KTTS. La seconda mostra alcuni moduli principali del KV-4 KTTS: