World of Tanks Rampage mode official video Here is the official video about the Rampage mode! Enjoy! Altro video ufficiale questa volta dedicato alla modalità Rampage:
World of Tanks 9.12 ASAP RU video
World of Tanks 9.12 ASAP RU video Enjoy!
World of Tanks EU 9.12 release date
World of Tanks EU 9.12 release date Source – World of Tanks EU 9.12 will come tomorrow, Wednesday 18 November. World of Tanks EU 9.12 verrà domani, mercoledì 18 novembre.
World of Tanks Patton M46 Kr pictures
World of Tanks Patton M46 Kr pictures This M46 Patton Kr has an original camouflage used during the Korean War: Questo M46 Patton Kr ha una camo originale usata durante la guerra di Corea:
World of Tanks Panzer 58 “Mutz” version pictures
World of Tanks Panzer 58 “Mutz” version pictures Stats History This is a Panzer 58 version with special camouflage. You can obtain this tank during this winter with a special marathon Si tratta di una versione del Panzer 58 con una camo speciale. Il carro si potrà ottenere tramite una speciale maratona di quest’inverno.
World of Tanks PS4 screenshots from G-Star 2015
World of Tanks PS4 screenshots from G-Star 2015 Screenshots and photos of World of Tanks PS4 from G-star 2014! Immagini di world of Tanks PS4 dal G-Star 2015:
World of Warships Polish destroyer Blyskawica gameplay videos
World of Warships Polish destroyer Blyskawica gameplay videos Here is 3 gameplay videos about the Polish destroyer Blyskawica! Ecco 3 gameplay video sul cacciatorpediniere polacco Blyskawica!
World of Tanks Blitz Type 98 Ke-Ni Otsu gameplay videos
World of Tanks Blitz Type 98 Ke-Ni Otsu gameplay videos Here is 3 gameplay videos about the Japanese tier 3 premium Ke-Ni Otsu in World of Tanks Blitz: Ecco 3 gameplay video sul giapponese tier premium Ke-Ni Otsu in World of Tanks Blitz:
World of Tanks Best replay of the Weeks RU ediction EP67
World of Tanks Best replay of the Weeks RU ediction EP67 Enjoy!
World of Tanks 9.12 release date pt2
World of Tanks 9.12 release date pt2 Source – It’s confirmed. World of Tanks 9.12 will be released tomorrow 17.11.2015 on Ru servers. The Paris map of the Rampage mode has been erased from the client due the Paris attacks. E’ confermato, World of Tanks 9.12 sarà rilasciato domani 17.11.2015 sui server russi. La mappa Parigi…