Wargaming Cyprus Nicosia Building new pics Here you are a couple of new pics about the Wargaming Building at Nicosia (Cyprus), inside and outside: Altre immagini per il faraonico edificio della Wargaming a Nicosia (Cipro), dentro e fuori. Vi risparmio la retorica dell’articolo russo da cui provengono le immagini:
World of Tanks M46 Patton Korean tier VIII premium
World of Tanks M46 Patton Korean tier VIII premium It’s a version of M46 Patton used during the Korean War (?). Si tratta di una versione dell’M46 Patton usato durante la guerra di Korea: Tank: tier VIII USA premium medium tank Hitpoint: 1450 Weight (peso): 44 tons Engine (motore): 810 hp Speed (vel. max): 48.2/20 km/h…
World of Tanks new commercial spot
World of Tanks new commercial spot Enjoy!
World of Tanks 10.0 test server video review
World of Tanks 10.0 test server video review Here you are a video review about WoT 10.0 test server by Mighty Jingles. Enjoy! Video recensione del test server 10.0 di WoT ad opera di Mighty Jingles, enjoy!
World of Tanks news 27 10 2015
World of Tanks news 27 10 2015 Source – http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/10/27102015-q.html – 122mm U-11 on KV-1 is correctly sized – The 50 vs 50 mode is not even a mode yet, it’s a technical test of what happens when a large number of players plays on large maps, to find out issues and bottlenecks in order to…
World of Tanks EU Skoda T 40 on sale
World of Tanks EU Skoda T 40 on sale From today to 11/30/ 2015 it’s possible to buy Skoda t 40 from premium store. It’s a cheap bunde: T 40, 7 premium days, 250 gold, 1 slot, price: 19.99 EU! Hurry up and open your wallet! https://eu.wargaming.net/shop/wot/?item=1570 Da oggi fino al 30/11/2015 è possibile comprare…
World of Tanks Grille 15 new stats pt2
World of Tanks Grille 15 new stats pt2 Source – http://thearmoredpatrol.com/2015/10/28/real-grille-15-changes/ and http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/10/grille-15-update.html – Maximum Gun traverse buffed from 90° to 100° – Accuracy buff from 0.28 to 0.27 – Aiming time buff from 2.8 to 2.3 – Reload buff from 15 seconds to 14.6 (or base dpm from 3000 to 3082) – Shell velocity buff for…
World of Warships 0.5.1 new mission interface pictures
World of Warships 0.5.1 new mission interface pictures Some pictures about new mission interface for World of Warships 0.5.1 have been leaked, sadly they are in russian language… Alcune immagini per la nuova interfaccia missioni della patch 0.5.1 sono state pubblicate, purtroppo sono in lingua russa…
World of Warships 0.5.1 patch notes
World of Warships 0.5.1 patch notes Changes in Service Record Now a total of 11 levels are available in the player’s Service Record (XP milestones required for reaching the next level have been revised and recalculated to reflect the player’s current level in the Service Record, the player’s total XP has been retained) Tech Trees…
World of Tanks Grille 15 Buffed
World of Tanks Grille 15 Buffed Source – http://thearmoredpatrol.com/ – Changed weight from 40 to 40.5 tonnes, – Changed power to weight ratio from 22.5 to 22.22 HP / t, – Turret turning speed from 22.9 to 24.5 ° / sec, – Changed the ground resistance of 0.959 / 1,151 / 1,918 to 0,988 / 1,078…