World of Tanks KV-4 KTTS premium TD TIER 8 The KV-4 KTTS (кттс) was a variant of KV-4 armed with a 107mm M-75 gun. This heavy tank mounted a rear casemate with two turrets. The first (and big) one (armed with 107mm) wasn’t full traversable. This vehicle was only a project, a prototype wasn’t built….
World of Tanks Supertester premium tank pictures
World of Tanks Supertester premium tank pictures Source – Pictures… Again… from a supertester account. These are rare premium tanks, enjoy! Immagini… Ancora… da un account supertest. Questi sono tutti carri premium rari, se non rarissimi!
World of Tanks news 25 10 2015
World of Tanks news 25 10 2015 Source – – Q: “Why don’t you implement viewrange circle into minimap? Or better tank carousel in garage?” A (Storm): “I will refrain from answering. Thread closed.” – One Himmelsdorf building is now missing some textures, it will be fixed – Q: “Will you make tier 10 tanks…
World of Tanks ASIA Commercial
World of Tanks ASIA Commercial A new commercial spot for World of Tanks ASIA (?). It’s a little bit ugly…. Un nuovo spot commerciale per World of Tanks. Gira principalmente in Asia (?) Anche questo è un pò discutibile…
World of Tanks Chieftain-T95
World of Tanks Chieftain-T95 Here you are a new set of picture about the upcoming new tier 8 british heavy tank, the Chieftain-T95: Ed eccovi una serie di nuove immagini del carro tier 8 premium pesante britannico, il Chieftain-T95:
World of Tanks KV-4 KTTS in game pictures
World of Tanks KV-4 KTTS in game pictures Here is a huge set of picture about the new soviet tank destroyer premium KV-4 KTTS: Ed ecco una bella serie di immagini per il KV-4 KTTS sovietico:
World of Tanks chinese map Empire’s Border
World of Tanks chinese map Empire’s Border There is an exclusive map for the chinese server of WoT, Empire’s Border: Esiste una mappa esclusiva solo per il server cinese, si chiama Empire’s Border, probabilmente aggiornata come testimonia un video ufficiale pubblicato ieri:
World of Tanks 10.0 tier 8 premium FV4202 pics and stats
World of Tanks 10.0 tier 8 premium FV4202 pics and stats Tank: tier 8 british medium tank Engine (motore): 510 hp Chassis traverse speed (vel. rotazione scafo): 40 deg/s Turret armor: 170/90/90 Gun (cannone): OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel Penetration (penetrazione): 226/258/42 Damage (danno): 230/230/280 ROF (rateo): 7,5 Accuracy (precisione): 0,35 Aim time (tempo mira): 2,6s Signal Distance…
World of Tanks 10.0 new effects
World of Tanks 10.0 new effects WoT devs added new effects for World of Tanks 10.0! I devs di WoT hanno pure aggiunto alcuni effetti atmosferici per WoT 10.0
World of Tanks Xbox Dead City screenshots
World of Tanks Xbox Dead City Here is a set of screenshots about the new Halloween game mode for WoT Xbox: Dead City. Ecco alcuni screenshots sulla modalità di gioco in concomitanza di Halloween per WoT Xbox: Dead City.