World of Warships russian-soviet destroyers tech tree Source – Tier 1 Orlan introduces the new Soviet tech tree. She was built based on a Project 37 destroyer that stayed on paper. Like all Tier I ships, she does not have any torpedoes and does not boast good armour or combat capability either. However, she is…
World of Tanks 9.10 micropatch today patch notes
World of Tanks 9.10 micropatch today patch notes Today World of Tanks 9.10 has got a micropatch, here is the patch notes: Oggi WoT 9.10 ha ottenuto una micropatch. Cosa è cambiato? Ecco le note di patch: – Fixed some issues with the garage interface (UI) – corretti alcuni problemi con l’interfaccia in garage (UI)
World of Tanks AMX Ac Mle 46 – Loyd Gun Carriage – Covenanter hd models pictures
World of Tanks AMX Ac Mle 46 – Loyd Gun Carriage – Covenanter hd models pictures AMX Ac. Mle. 46 Loyd Gun Carriage Convenanter
World of Tanks XBOX Update 2.2 Strikeforce patch notes
German Additions The German line is getting serious reinforcements with the arrival of an explosive artillery duo and a light tank known to run circles around foes. The Wespe (tier III) and Pz.Sfl.IVb (tier IV) will give low-tier German artillery tankers some deadly long-range alternatives to choose from. And for daredevil light tankers out there,…
World of Tanks supertesters server 10.0 patch notes
World of Tanks supertesters server 10.0 patch notes Source – Main Changes – introduced the finalized version of the deathmatch mode (free for all) – newbies will from now on fight bots in their first few battles – render range changed from 1000 x 1000 meter square to 564 meter radius circle – introdotta…
War Thunder М26 Pershing with Т99 rocket launcher
War Thunder М26 Pershing with Т99 rocket launcher Vyacheslav Bulannikov, Game Designer: This vehicle will be the first rank 4 tank with rocket armament and will represent a serious threat to any enemy that meets it on the battlefield. The Pershing by itself can be a very dangerous opponent at its rank, and this additional…
World of Tanks czech tier 8 TVP VTU on field pictures
World of Tanks czech tier 8 TVP VTU on field pictures As usual, here is some images of czech tier 8 TVP VTU on the battlefiled (no textures): Come sempre, ecco alcune immagini del tier 8 ceco TVP VTU sul campo di battaglia e senza tessiture:
World of Tanks Berlin map updated
World of Tanks Berlin map updated Wargaming updated the Berlin map too. Here is a new video review about the map: Wargaming aggiornato la mappa di Berlino. Ecco un nuovo video recensione:
World of Tanks Paris map
World of Tanks Paris map Finally devs published some news about an upcoming map for World of Tanks: historical Paris. Here you are a awsome video and a gallery: Finalmente i devs hanno pubblicato alcune novità per una mappa in arrivo a breve su WoT: Parigi, eccovi un video e delle belle immagini: paris…
History of Tanks The Crew The Nuts and Bolts of Tanks
History of Tanks The Crew The Nuts and Bolts of Tanks