World of Tanks T 25 new on field pictures And here is a second set of pictures about the T 25, the czech tier 6 medium tank: Ed ecco una seconda serie di immagini del T 25, il ceco tier 6 medio: [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks czech tier 5 T 24 pictures pt2
World of Tanks czech tier 5 T 24 pictures pt2 Here is a new set of pictures about the T 24, czech tier 5 medium tank: Ancora immagini del T 24, il medio ceco tier 5 [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks leaks czech tier 8 TVP VTU Koncept
World of Tanks leaks czech tier 8 TVP VTU Koncept Source – In March 1946, Military Technical Institute (VTU) introduced a project of a highly mobile and heavily armed medium tank. The initial project was then passed to Škoda that responded with a project of their own, the T 40. The VTU concept project never…
World of Tanks 10.0 new hangars
Here you are the new hangars of World of Tanks 10.0: Ed ecco i nuovi hangar della patch 10.0:
World of Tanks 10.0 or 1.0.0 preliminary patch notes
World of Tanks 10.0 or 1.0.0 preliminary patch notes – IS-8 will be renamed to T-10 and reworked to HD – special new tutorial mode where players will fight bots on the Mittengard map. The bots will be farmable for 10 battles for XP and silver – reworked the crew tab – customization window was…
World of Warships Russian – Soviet tech tree confirmed
World of Warships Russian – Soviet tech tree confirmed Russian/Soviet destroyers are confirmed. The first regular (or premium?) dd will be the tier 7 Kiev (Tashkent class). This tech tree will come on October 19 (October 19 1812, Napoleon retreats from Moscow). This tech tree will include legendary classes as Izyaslav, Gnevny and Tashkent. Alla fine…
World of Tanks Turan II proto Hd model pictures
HEre is the set of pictures about the Turan III proto, an upcoming tier 5 German (and Hungarian) premium tank. Ecco la serie di immagini del Turan III proto, un tier 5 tedesco (e ungherese) premium. Statistics:
World of Tanks VK 45.03 HD model pictures
World of Tanks VK 45.03 HD model pictures And here you are a set of picture about the VK 45.03, the Tiger III, the upcoming german tier VII premium! Ed ecco una serie di immagini sul VK 45.03, il Tiger III, il prossimo livello tedesco VII premium! Tier: 7 premium HT Hitpoints (punti vita): 1500 Engine…
World of Warships Soviet Destroyers and German Cruisers
World of Warships Soviet Destroyers and German Cruisers It seems that Soviet Destroyers and German Cruisers are upcoming soon, here is a sneak peak! Sembra che i cacciatorpediniere sovietici e gli incrociatori tedeschi siano imminenti, ecco un breve anteprima!
World of Tanks Toldi III HD model pictures
World of Tanks Toldi III HD model pictures Finally devs show us a high detailed model of Toldi III, Hungarian / German light tank tier 3 premium: E finalmente i devs ci mostrano un modello molto dettagliato del Toldi III, il carro leggero tedesco / ungherese tier 3 premium: Tier: 3 LT German premium Hitpoints…