World of Tanks czech tier 7 T-34-100 into the wild picture As usual here is a set of images about the T-34-100 into the wild. There aren’t textures: Come al solito, ecco un set di immagini del ceco T-34-100 nel selvaggio campo di battaglia. Non vi sono ancora tessiture: [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks Jagdpanther II HD model pictures
World of Tanks Jagdpanther II HD model pictures Jagdpanther II has the HD model. The work of devs is awesome, this model is very detailed and rich. I love it so much! E anche lo Jagdpanther II ha il modello in HD. IL lavoro dei devs è meraviglioso. Questo modello è veramente dettagliato e ricco….
World of Tanks Panzer 58 HD model pictures
World of Tanks Panzer 58 HD model pictures Another awesome tank: Panzer 58! Un altro carro meraviglioso, lo svizzero Panzer 58! Tier: 8 MT Hitpoints (punti vita): 1300 Engine (motore): 600 hp Weight (peso): 35,1 tons Power-to-weight (potenza peso): 17,09 hp/t Maximum speed (vel max): 50/20 km/h Hull traverse (rotazione scafo): 45 deg/s Turret traverse…
World of Tanks leaks czech tier 7 T-34-100
World of Tanks leaks czech tier 7 T-34-100 Source – This T-34-100 was a Czech prototype of soviet T-34-85 medium tank realized in early 50’s. The VTU military research institute tried to increase the combat value of tank adapting a Vz.44 S 100mm gun (a copy of D-10T). The project/prototype suffered from many flaws, such…
World of Tanks Chieftain MK 6 HD model picture
World of Tanks Chieftain MK 6 HD model picture The Chieftain MK 6 is awesome! E il Chieftain MK 6 è meraviglioso!
World of Tanks Centurion Action X hd model pictures pt2
World of Tanks Centurion Action X hd model pictures pt2 Here is a official set of pictures for the Centurion Action X: Ed ecco, finalmente, il set ufficiale di immagini per il Centurion Action X:
World of Tanks T34 USA HT HD model pictures
World of Tanks T34 USA HT HD model pictures Wargaming published a interesting set of pictures about the most famous (together with Lowe) tier 8 premium tank: the USA T34 ht: E la Wargaming finalmente ha pubblicato una serie di immagini per il più famoso (insieme al Lowe) tier 8 premium: il pesante USA T34: …
World of Tanks news 20 09 2015
World of Tanks news 20 09 2015 Source – – Apparently Wargaming recently acquired a Sentinel tank in the US and are returning it to Australia after restoration; – According to product manager Maksim Chuvalov, WoT has not reached its peak of popularity yet; – The total number of players registered in Wargaming products…
Armored Warfare Developer Q&A 20 09 2015
Armored Warfare Developer Q&A 20 09 2015 Enjoy!
World of Tanks Blitz SU-122-44 on sale
World of Tanks Blitz SU-122-44 on sale Wargaming RU is selling the SU 122 44 on World of Tanks Blitz. It’s a Bundle with: SU 122 44 + slot + 3 premium days + 300 gold = 19.99 USD; SU 122 44 + slot + 30 premium days + 800 gold = 24.99 USD. La…