VK 72.01 K model Source – http://www.dishmodels.ru/gshow.htm?mode=P&vmode=T&p=14895&id=193445&tp=g A Couple days ago, Yuri Pasholok published some pictures of a VK 72.01 (K) model. The VK 72.01 is the “fail” or fake Lowe, a preliminary project that WG introduced at tier 10 as CW reward. It’s rare. An artist, Paul Cherepanov, made a very realistic model of…
World of Tanks 9.11 KV-1 hd model pictures
World of Tanks 9.11 KV-1 hd model pictures It’s time for KV-1 hd model too! Ed è anche il momento per il modello in HD del KV-1!
World of Tanks 9.11 Tiger II HD model pictures
World of Tanks 9.11 Tiger II HD model pictures Finally Tiger II got the HD model. Here you are 4 pictures of the new tank: Alla fine il Tiger II ha ottenuto il modello HD. Ecco a voi 4 immagini del nuovo carro:
World of Tanks Siegfried Line comparison gif
World of Tanks Siegfried Line comparison gif Here you are a gif comparison between old and new (refowrked) Siegfried Line map Ecco un’interessante comparazione tra la vecchia e la nuova mappa della linea Sigfrido:
World of Tanks Storm Q&A 13 09 2015
World of Tanks Storm Q&A 13 09 2015 – Storm confirms the upcoming artillery overhaul. The biggest problem with current artillery system is its randomness – this should be mitigated by turning artillery into “debuffers” (see previous article – smaller alpha but applying crew debuffs) – WG is planning the same artillery features as in…
World of Tanks Tiger I new camo
World of Tanks Tiger I new camo No news today, but here is a picture taken from Instagram. Devs are working on a new camouflage for Tiger I: Nessuna news in particolare oggi, se non un’immagine presa da instagram. I devs stanno lavorando ad un nuovo camuffamento per Tiger I:
World of Tanks 9.9 vs 9.10 armor comparison
World of Tanks 9.9 vs 9.10 armor comparison Source – http://worldoftanks.ru/ru/news/pc-browser/1/hd_tanks_9_10/ WoT RU published an interesting bunch of pictures about the armor changes between SD and HD models: Oggi il sito di WoT RU ha pubblicato un interessante comparazione tra la nuova e vecchia corazza dei carri che sono stati portati in HD nella 9.10, ecco…
World of Tanks artillery rebalance new details
World of Tanks artillery rebalance new details Source – http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.it/2015/09/artillery-rebalance-details.html In short here is some new details about artillery rebalance: – Artillery: decrease its damage, give it the ability to suppress crew (rewarded by xp) and increase its accuracy – Illumination shells for artillery (spotting in a certain area) – change the point of view as…
World of Tanks LT Vz 35 screenshots pt2
World of Tanks LT Vz 35 screenshots pt2 Here you are a second set of pictures about the czech tier 2 LT Vz 35: Seconda serie di immagini per il cecoslovacco tier 2 LT Vz 35:
World of Tanks on Playstation
World of Tanks on Playstation It’s official, World of Tanks will be released on Playstation platform during the 2016 (no ETA). The game will be released for PS3 and PS4! E ‘ufficiale, World of Tanks sarà rilasciato su piattaforma Playstation durante il 2016 (no ETA). Il gioco sarà rilasciato per PS3 e PS4!