World of Warships Naval Academy graphics settings Here is a new episode of Naval Academy. Do you have a slow pc? This video explains you how set the graphics settings… Ecco un nuovo episodio della Naval Academy. Avete un pc lento? Questo video spiega come settare le impostazioni grafiche …
World of Tanks Inside the M53/M55
World of Tanks Inside the M53/M55 Interesting episode of Inside the Tank with the Chieftain and the USA artillery M53/M55, enjoy! Interessante episodio di Inside the Tanks con the Chieftain e l’artiglieria USA M53/M55. Buona visione!
World of Tanks Blitz patch 2.1
World of Tanks Blitz patch 2.1 Source – World of Tanks Blitz 2.1 is upcoming soon. This patch will bring a new line of british tank destroyers from tier 2 to tier 10. This line is well knowed by PC players. Here is a set of pictures: World of Tanks Blitz 2.1 è in arrivo….
World of Tanks news 03 09 2015
World of Tanks news 03 09 2015 Source – – Storm doesn’t agree that the current tutorial sucks: it’s there to teach people the real basics – how to move and how to shoot. – there will be improved tutorial in the future – Storm confirms: the Preview function from Armored Warfare (the ability to…
Armored Warfare FV721 Fox trailer
Armored Warfare FV721 Fox trailer Here you are a video trailer about the FV721, a british light tank on Armored Warfare! Torniamo a parlare ogni tanto di Armored Warfare con il trailer del carro leggero FV721!
World of Tanks PC Cromwell Knight skin
World of Tanks PC Cromwell Knight skin Do you like the Xbox Cromwell Knight? You can use a special skin and turn your PC Cromwell into a Xbox Cromwell Knight Vi piace il Cromwell Knight Xbox? È possibile utilizzare una skin speciale e trasformare il vostro Cromwell PC in un Cromwell Knight Xbox… DOWNLOAD XML file to…
World of Tanks Type 59-Patton gameplay video
World of Tanks Type 59-Patton gameplay video Here you are a gameplay video by Mighty Jingles about the medium tank premium Type 59-Patton! Eccovi un video sullo stile di gioco del Type 59-Patton!
Yugoslavia T-34-85 Teski Tenk Vozilo A
Yugoslavia T-34-85 Teski Tenk Vozilo A Teski Tenk Vozilo A was a 1949 Yugoslav tank based on the T34 design. A total of nine prototypes were built. They were designed by reverse engineering of the Soviet T-34-85 medium tank without any documentation. They are recognizable by their angled front hull corners, modified hull machine gun mantlet,…
World of Warships official release
World of Warships official release Today the official release date of World of Warships has been revealed. WoWs will be released at 17 September 2015 (for all servers, from EU to ASIA, etc.) ! Here you are the link to official post: Oggi la data di uscita ufficiale di World of Warships è stato rivelata….
World of Warships Bismarck sneak peak
World of Warships Bismarck sneak peak The Bismarck is incoming! Here you are a sneak peak video review! Anche la Bismarck potrebbe arrivare presto e la WG ha preparato un video preview per la nave!