World of Tanks news 28 06 2015 Source – ritastatus – the bug where teamkilling was allowed in 9.9 test was already fixed – it’s possible there is a bug in 9.9 where the aim reticle gets “stuck” to the land, Storm will investigate – in new motion physics, parameters tied to tank mobility…
World of Tanks 9.9 shocking night news
World of Tanks 9.9 shocking night news Source – vk/wotleaks and Tonight is the night of shocking news. These news come directly from WoT RU devs forum – Mauschen has been scrapped for now. It will not implemented in common test 9.9 iteration 2. The tank sucks (!!!). – The penetration nerf test was…
World of Tanks 9.9 Conqueror turret armor buff pt2
World of Tanks 9.9 Conqueror turret armor buff pt2 Source – Some time ago we talked about the Conqueror buff. Sadly the previous characteristics were wrong. The new characteristics are as follows: – the front armor turret is increased from 152mm to 254mm – the armor of the mantlet is increased from 203 to 254mm Old: New:…
War Thunder 1.51 T 34 100
War Thunder 1.51 T 34 100 Source – A thorough modernization of the T-34-85, whose weapon was no longer effective against German heavy tanks. This meant that the main goal was to install an 100mm cannon. The tank received the LB-1 cannon with a muzzle brake. This allows it to compensate for the recoil of…
World of Tanks Blitz E 25 premium tank destroyer
World of Tanks Blitz E 25 premium tank destroyer The return of E-25! Here is a video about E 25 in World of Tanks Blitz! Il ritorno dell’E-25 ma solo su World of Tanks Blitz! Ecco il video di presentazione!
World of Tanks 112 chinese premium tank tutorial video
World of Tanks 112 chinese premium tank tutorial video Here is a new tutorial video by devs about the chinese tier 8 premium 112… Enjoy Ecco un nuovo video tutorial su un altro carro pesante tier 8 premium, il cinese 112 (direttamente dalla WG)!
T 55 M18 hellcat hybrid tank SO 76 M 18 mod
T 55 M18 hellcat hybrid tank SO 76 M 18 mod Source – and Today Rita published an interesting post, talking about a cute hybrid tank. I surfed in the net and i found an interesting story. During Balcanic war (1990/1995) Bosnian Serbs fitted some soviet T-55 with a turret of the very old M18…
World of Tanks news 27 06 2015
World of Tanks news 27 06 2015 Source – – multiple players reported test 0.9.9 crashing. This is apparently caused by a faulty update process. In order for the test client not to crash, you have to uninstall it and then download the 0.9.9 test client from scratch – if you update it from the…
World of Tanks Artillery rebalance
World of Tanks Artillery rebalance Source – vk\wotleaks Storm said officially: – there will be a test of changes for artilleries – a prototype of these changes was already decided. – There will be a general rebalance for these vehicles – there will be an addition of new features. – Devs want to make this…
World of Tanks Blitz T34 Indipendence
World of Tanks Blitz T34 Indipendence And WoT Blitz celebrates the Indipendance Day with a special bundle with the unique Caaaaptain America ehm no, T34 Indipendance! E WoT Blitz celebra la Giornata dell’Indipendenza con un pacchetto speciale con l’unico T34 Indipendance (o Capitan America, fate voi…)