World of Tanks news 24 06 2015 Source – – The Domination mode (patch had no influence on FPS – if your FPS dropped with, it’s most likely an issue on your side; – The size comparison picture between O-I and E-100 is a fake; – The Scorpion (German TD) tracks have apparently…
World of Warships Open Beta release date
World of Warships Open Beta release date Source – The patch is scheduled for June 26 and will be applied on the servers from 05:00 until 08:00 CEST during which the game server will be offline. With the deployment of the update, your game progress will be wiped as previously stated, meaning your ships and even…
Czechoslovak Skoda T 40
Czechoslovak Skoda T 40 Source – The history of Czechoslovak production of tanks is extremely interesting, but still little studied. This period includes the first 10 years after the war, when the Czechoslovak industry boasted the accumulated experience of the German occupation. This allowed the creation of their armored vehicles. For a number of reasons, including…
World of Tanks FCM 50t HD model images
World of Tanks FCM 50t HD model images The French premium tier 8 heavy tank FCM 50t got the HD model as you can see the picture here: Il livello 8 premium francese FCM 50t ha ottenuto il modello HD, come si può vedere nelle immagini qui: FCM 50t
World of Tanks Object 777 HD texturized pictures
Finally we can see a set of full texturized pictures of the Object 777 heavy tank. It is a soviet tier 10 heavy tank and will be a CW / PM reward. Finalmente possiamo vedere una serie di immagini testurizzate del carro pesante Object 777. Si tratta di un carro pesante sovietico tier 10 e…
World of Tanks Rheinmetall Skorpion HD new pictures
World of Tanks Rheinmetall Skorpion HD new pictures Here you are a set of full texturized pictures of the Rheinmetall Skorpion, a tier 8 german tank destroyer premium/reward tank. The destiny of this td is unknown. Ecco a voi una serie di immagini pienamente testurizzate del Rheinmeatll Skorpion, un cacciacarri premium / ricompensa Tier 8 tedesco…
World of Tanks Spahpanzer SP I C textured pictures
World of Tanks Spahpanzer SP I C textured pictures Finally there are textured pictures of Spahpanzer SP I C, the upcoming tier VII german light tank that will replace the Ausf Panther: Finalmente ci sono le immagini testurizzate dello Spahpanzer SP IC, il prossimo tier VII carro leggero tedesco che andrà a sostituire l’Ausf Panther: [Show slideshow]
World of Warships OBT unified account
World of Warships OBT unified account Source – – CBT players with at least 49 battles until 23 June 23:59 (Moscow time) will receive the USS Arkansas – Alpha Beta test Players will credited back the cruiser Iwaki Alpha. But remember: the captain of the ship and all updates will be restored to its initial state. – The…
World of Tanks news 23 06 2015
World of Tanks news 23 06 2015 Source – – Q: “Why did you not inform players of massive penetration nerf at 500 meters?!” A: “Everywhere I look, it’s (whine about) ‘no respect to players’ – it’s some sort of mania. We fucked up and you are immediately looking for malice.” – D: “Perché…
World of Tanks SU 100 rebirth of legends
World of Tanks SU 100 rebirth of legends Source – wot asia It’s a very well made video about the restoration of a SU-100, i appreciate it: “Watch as a master restoration team in Belarus takes on the task of resurrecting the SU-100, one of the many legendary tank destroyers used by the Soviet Union…