World of Tanks O-I 100ton VS E100 Source – And here is the comparison between O-I 100ton and E-100… :O Ed ecco la comparazione tra O-I 100ton ed E-100, incredibile!
World of Tanks Japanese heavy tank tier 7 O-I 100ton
World of Tanks Japanese heavy tank tier 7 O-I 100ton Source – The development of a new concept of a 100 ton tank (O-I 100 ton) came from defeat inflicted by Red Army in Nomohan/Khalkin Gol incident of 1939. The army issued an order to build a gigantic tank that can be used on…
World of Tanks 9.9 Caernarvon HD model pictures
World of Tanks 9.9 Caernarvon HD model pictures Source – Caernarvon got the HD model. Here is a set of detailed pictures. Anche il Caernarvon ha ottenuto il modello in HD come testimoniano le seguenti immagini: [Show slideshow]
World of Warships 0.4.0 Open Beta Test close to release
World of Warships 0.4.0 Open Beta Test close to release Source – The patch 0.4.0 of World of Warship will begin the stage of Open Beta Test. Today devs added some new infos about the bonus for CBT players. Tier 4 battleship premium Arkansas is confirmed. Furthermore CBT players will get some important bonus. These…
World of Tanks Panther M10 HD new pictures
World of Tanks Panther M10 HD new pictures Source – Here is a new set of pictures about the hd model of german Panther M10 Ecco una nuova serie di immagini per il modello HD del Panther M10 tedesco [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks VK3601 H new hangar pictures
World of Tanks VK3601 H new hangar pictures Source – The upcoming new hd tanks will be much more detailed than before. This hd model of VK36.01 (H) is awesome, it’s far better than hd model of Tiger I: I prossimi nuovi carri armati in HD saranno molto più dettagliati rispetto a prima. Questo…
World of Tanks news 22 06 2015
World of Tanks news 22 06 2015 Source – – The T95E6, M48A1 and M60 radioman position is historical (it can be both the commander and the loader but commander is more realistic); – Storm insists: the penetration test is just a test, not a final form of the penetration nerfs; – there are…
World of Tanks vk 4502P tier 7 premium armor pics
World of Tanks vk 4502P tier 7 premium armor pics Source – Supertesters published two pics that show the upper and lower frontal armor of VK4502b (hull) tier 7 premium heavy tank. Upper frontal hull is sloped and has 105mm of armor. Lower frontal plate is sloped too with an armor of 140mm. Turret…
War Thunder Neubaufahrzeug VI
War Thunder Neubaufahrzeug VI In 1933, the Neubaufahrzeug was a further development of Rheinmetall-Borsig Grosstraktor. Two mild steel prototypes were build in 1934 and three tanks in 1935. These vehicles were armed with a Krupp turret and two coaxial guns: a 7.5cm KwK L/24 and a 3.7cm KwK L/45. The three tanks built in 1940…
World of Tanks 9.9 supertester server improved rendering
World of Tanks 9.9 supertester server improved rendering The new improved rendering (from supertester server 0.9.9) of World of Tanks has been leaked. These images show the improved water, grass and new antialiasing system E’ trapelata la nuova e migliorata grafica di World of Tanks dal supertester server. Queste immagini mostrano un rendering migliorato per l’acqua,…